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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You wanted to cry. You always wanted to cry. You were always such a baby ever since your younger years. Always crying when something startled you or when your parents weren't home soon enough. It seems nothing has changed since then. You just wanted to get good grades and live your life peacefully.

"So, you were just...looking for relief?"

How were you supposed to know? He led you on as if he was really into you all this time. It seems he was just into your body rather than you.

"In a way...It's difficult to explain- please understand Y/n-"

"No, I think I understand plenty! Go home, Wilbur."

"Please, Y/n, let me explain-"

"Go home!"

Shuffling into your bed you let your tears finally fall. Why? Why you? As selfish as it sounded, you wished he did this with another girl. You didn't want to be used for pleasure, you wanted to be loved. That wasn't such a foreign concept, was it? So why? Why did Wilbur do that?

Did he not want a relationship with you?

Wilbur wanted to punch a wall. He fucked everything up. Why did he even tell you he didn't have feelings for you? Was it a shitty way of trying to convince himself he wasn't into you?

He ran a hand through his hair and felt himself heat up from rage.

He hated himself. He hated who he was, and what he was capable of. Wilbur wanted nothing but to be a normal human and spend his days with you, but no! He just had to be a monstrosity. You'd never understand; you just couldn't.

His drawbacks caused him to go after you when he shouldn't. Now, you think he was just using you. While yes, that's true, he didn't mean for it to end up with you hurting. How was he going to fix this? Was there even a way to fix it?

Wilbur stopped in the dark parking lot he was in. Each dorm building had a parking lot so the students could easily traverse off-campus.

The only way he could fix this was by telling you who he was. Who he truly was. Wilbur gulped.

He's not sure if he can do that- not yet at least.

You sniffed and tried to wipe the tears that wouldn't stop coming down. You hiccuped and tried to steady your breathing. You figured it was futile to stop the flow so you just let them fall. They were hot, but not enough to burn you. You quivered your bottom lip as you wondered if you should reach out to your online friend again.

It's been a while since the two of you talked, and you could use some cheering up.

Urmomgay101: hey u up? I want someone to talk to rn

Fuckedyourmom445: yeah? what's wrong?

Urmomgay101: just boys being dumb haha

Fuckedyourmom445: elaborate???

Urmomgay101: i got my heartbroken </3 It's a bit embarrassing haha, so I was hoping you could cheer me up

Fuckedyourmom445: WHAT

Fuckedyourmom445: ARE YOU SERIOUS

Fuckedyourmom445: I'll kill him. give me a name. right now.

Urmomgay101: no- just- can we talk? you've been distant lately.

You sighed and looked at your ceiling. So much has been happening in your life lately; it's so overwhelming. You just needed an outsider to talk to or maybe even vent to, just do something to get your mind off of Wilbur.

Fuckedyourmom445: sorry, I can't rn. I've got some stuff I need to take care of. maybe later. stay safe

You frowned. Of course, he was busy; it was no matter, you'd find something else to do.

Urmomgay101: okay :) lmk when you're free

You sighed and decided to just fall asleep for the time being. Hopefully, you could escape to the world of dreams and worry about your broken heart tomorrow.

Dream narrowed his eyes at the messaging screen showing your conversation with him. He didn't know who you were referring to in the message, but it didn't matter. He'd find out. He always did after all; that's how he'll keep you safe.

Just as he was about to stand up from his bed George opened the door. "You're not going anywhere."

"And why not?" Dream narrowed his eyes at George.

"Because i'm sick of a certain girl fearing for her life every time you go off and kill someone."

Dream stood up, looking offended. "I wasn't going to-"

"We both know you would be out killing the guy who broke her heart if you had a name." Dream stood still for a second before grunting and crossing his arms. George was right, but that didn't mean he was happy about it.

Looking at Dream as he was now was a bit infuriating for George. He was still incredibly in denial but it was obvious he had feelings for the girl he swore he hated. It was amusing, but he sometimes wished that Dream could just see it for himself. On the other side of the spectrum though, this could be used as an advantage.

"I'll take care of it. I already know who he is; you don't need to worry your blond little head."

Dream's head jerked up and a newfound rage ignited inside him. "You KNOW? TELL ME!" George simply shook his head no and started walking out the door. Dream grabbed his friend by the shoulder and forcefully turned him around.

"Tell me. Now." George sighed and figured that the only way to get him off his back about this was to tell him who.

"It's John Hudson from theatre. Will you let me go please?" It irked him how much Dream cared about you. He shouldn't be the one slaving over you and all you do. Wait, what? 

"Yeah. Go fuck off somewhere. I'm going to let off some steam," Dream rushed passed George and took the elevator down. He felt bad for giving Dream a fake name, and no doubt this guy was going to end up on the news despite not doing anything wrong, but it had to be done. 

Wilbur wasn't someone Dream could just kill. 

Speaking of people Dream can't kill- 

"Hey! Dream isn't going out to kill anyone is he?" Sapnap appeared outside of Dream's room. George walked out and shrugged. 

"I wouldn't know. I never know what he does," Sapnap huffed and walked into the kitchen for a snack. The silence was short lived as George sat at the bar in the kitchen as Sapnap pulled out a bowl for cereal. As he opened up the box he asked, 

"Do you think Dream is going to make that girl his?" George wasn't expecting that out of Sapnap. If George didn't know any better, he'd say Sapnap was scared. Of what, he didn't know. 

"Probably." George studied the way Sapnap's lips curled down and his eyes dimmed. "But there's always a chance he'll find someone better." The boy seemed to perk up a little bit, peaking George's interest. 

"I-I just remembered I have a party to go to tonight; sorry George, catch ya later!" Sapnap put the cereal on the bar and dashed to the elevator, making George roll his eyes. 

He supposed he needed to go out too; there was someone he needed to have a chat with.

⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

im alive 

barely but alive 

dont ask for updates it wont happen just cause u ask so theres no point lolololol xoxo 

hope u enjoyed <3

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