Drawing #11

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Thella the goddess💖

SO IN ENGLISH WE HAD TO CREATE A NEW GOD OR GODDESS YAAAAY! So I created Thella! She's the goddess of fun, children, SASS, and small helpless animals.

This is her story below⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

Thella, daughter of the sky, was the oldest of all the gods of Olympus. Like Aphrodite, she was not born from a goddess, but rather from a cloud. After Kronos and his brothers murdered their father Ouranos, the sky, they went back down to their mother Gaea, the Earth. On his way down from the sky, Kronos-giddy from his victory over his father-bumped a cloud. The cloud drifted to the ground and formed a small figure. It was Thella, the first goddess. She took the form of a small child with golden curls, large eyes, and rosy cheeks. She was the goddess of children, fun, sass (which was uncommon in the age of the Titans), and small helpless animals. Kronos and his subjects had no idea that another godlike being existed. Queen Rhea was one of the few who knew of Thella, so when Zeus was born she asked her to bless him, because she was the goddess of children. Unknowingly to the Titans, Thella had been keeping the rapidly growing gods and goddesses in Kronos' stomach alive and well. Without Thella, Kronos' plan would have succeeded and the children would have died inside of him. Thella blessed Zeus, making him the most powerful of all his brothers and sisters. After Rhea and Zeus made Kronos regurgitate the young gods and goddesses, Thella watched over them from afar. They were still children in her eyes and she was obligated to protect all children. She secretly provided them with strength during the fight and they succeeded.

Thella did not want to be confined to a seat on Olympus so she hid herself from the rest of the gods, except Hestia. Hestia also took the form of a child, so they often had conversations. Eventually they became good friends. Hestia urged Thella to reveal herself to Zeus. After a century of persuading, Thella finally gave in. The gods welcomed her with open arms, but since she did not tell them that she was the very first goddess of all, they considered her weak. Hestia and Rhea were the only ones who knew, and they swore on the River Styx not to tell anyone. For many years Thella simply roamed the Earth having fun, playing with children, telling people of sass, and protecting small helpless animals. One day, however, she came across Athena being attacked by a legion of monsters. Although Athena would surely never admit it, she was slowly losing. Thella took pity on her and stepped in. Within a few minutes, all the monsters were groveling in the depths of Tartarus. Athena was amazed and called her father, Zeus. Reluctantly, Thella went to Olympus with Zeus and told them about herself. The gods were astonished. They had always thought that Hades was the first god. The gods thanked Thella and Zeus offered to visit the human world and have them build temples to worship her. Thella refused. Unlike the other gods, Thella did not need the worship of mortals in order to be powerful. Instead she stayed powerful as long as there were good, innocent children in the world. The other gods and goddesses slowly faded as humans stopped believing in them. Thella, however, remained and to this day walks the Earth, blending in with young mortals and helping children who are in dire need of it. When things get dark for some, she helps them remember the fun and joy. Thella may not have been the most widely known, but she is surely the greatest Olympian of all.

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