The confessions

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"Ah, dr strange!" Tony says as the man turns around to greet you. "Nice to see you again dr strange." You say confidently. "So your dad told me what happened."He sighs. Your still confused because you don't know that Peter told tony about your glowing hands. Dr strange shows you his telekinesis power and how he can move things with his mind and create portals. You stand in front of your dad with red hands, "stay back...don't hurt us." You plead. They all laugh. "No one's going to hurt you kid, we are going to help you." Tony says with one hand on your shoulder. "How did you know about my powers?" You asked as everyone looked at Peter. You get frustrated at Peter. You get so frustrated, your hands glow red, it becomes uncontrollable. You accidentally push a table over with your mind. "Calm down, this won't work unless your calm" dr strange reassures you everything will be okay. "Why can't I control it like you can?" You question. "Because I've had practice. Training will start tomorrow at 9am." You stay in one of the guest rooms at the stark internship overnight. *you fall asleep* "wake up Emma." You open your eyes and see Peter above you smiling. "What's the time?" You groan Peter laughs"Training time". You wake up and get dressed and meet dr strange in the gym. "Morning Emma, do everything I do." He demands as he starts making his hands glow, making everything float. He signals to you to try so you concentrate on moving one thing at a time. Your successful. 6 weeks of training go by. Tony enters the gym "hey kid, how's training going? " it's amazing, look what I can do!" You said excitedly. You show him all the things you learned and tears of joy come into his eyes. You go over to hug him and that's when he says "I'm so glad you've found your powers. Now we can be open with each other about everything." You don't know what he means by that so you just agree confused. "Go to your room, you need a nap." He replied. So you walk down to your room and sleep. After sleeping for a few hours, woken by a knock at the door. "Come in." You mumble because your still half asleep. Tony comes in and tells you about a group call the avengers. Your so confused so you ask who the avengers are so Tony shows you a video of Spiderman, Ironman, hulk, captain America and a few others..."they are the avengers." You look at Tony with a confused look. "I'm iron man" he said with a serious face. After a few seconds of silence, you burst out laughing in disbelief. "You want proof? Fine." he declares as he takes you down to the armour room full of costumes. You look around in awe because you can't believe your 38 year old farther has a double life fighting crime. "Well, who are the other people in the video?" You question. Each one comes through the door. Peter walks in first "I'm Spiderman" he mumbles. Natasha comes in after Peter "I'm the black widow" she says proudly. Everyone else comes in and tells you who they are. Tony walks over to them and says "we are the avengers, we want you on our team." You stutter on your words as you can't believe what's happening. "I'd love to become an avenger!" Everyone cheers in celebration then Nat says "so what is your power?" You show them by making your hands glow red as you life the ornaments off the table with your mind. Everyone looks at you amazed. "That's awesome" Peter says in a flirty way. Tony gets a call on his phone about a mission. "Avengers assemble." He shouts. Everyone suits up as Tony throws you your outfit. A black corset with red a velvet cape. "I love it but why this?" You ask. Tony explains to you about how it absorbs electrical currents so it makes your powers stronger. You go change into your suit and meet up outside. "Stay with dr strange, he will keep you safe." Tony says as dr strange makes a portal to the battlefield. You nod in agreement and go through the portal. You make it through and Your hands glow red as you get yourself ready to fight. Everyone goes into battle and you pick up boulders with your powers and throw them at the enemy's. Unaware, a broken space craft came flying from the sky and crashed into you so you fell unconscious. Peter see's you laying there, "I'm coming Emma!" He reassures you. He grabs you and dr strange teleports you both back to headquarters Safely. He puts you in the couch and waits till you regain consciousness. "Ah, my head. What happened?" You groaned in pain. Peter explains to you what happened and the others get back from mission. "Oh thank god, your okay." Tony rushes in hugging you. "We're glad your alright." Says the others as they greet you. "I'm so sorry I messed up." You say guiltily. "It's fine, everyone makes mistakes on their first mission." They reassure you "and you looked pretty cool with your powers!" Peter adds which makes you blush. "We have another mission so you stay here and rest, we will be back soon." Tony announces. You watch them go on the next mission as you rest, you decide to fall asleep. The avenger squad gets back and see's you sleeping to they all decide to go to bed. The next morning, your still asleep but Peter, tony and Steve have a meeting in the common room. "I think Peter likes Emma." Steve said jokingly. Peter agreed which made tony shocked as they were only joking around. "You better not break her heart." Tony said to Peter as his face went red. You wake up to tony calling a meeting. "There's a new mission, Emma can you handle it?" He asks you. You agree so everyone suits up for the mission. Dr strange makes a portal to the battlefield. You take a few deep breaths and your hands start glowing. You pick up crates, boulders, weapons and throw them towards Thanos and set them on fire. He stumbled backwards and turns into ash from the fire. "Wow Emma, I'm impressed." Loki says to you with a wink. You all go back to the avenger tower to celebrate. "Congratulations to Emma." Tony shouts as he becomes drunk. "Drink up" Nat shouts as she falls off the table. You laugh because everyone has become wasted. "Emma can I talk to you please?" Peter mumbled. You agree but you can tell he's been drinking. Go go to a quiet room to talk which is when Peter says to you " I think your amazing, I can't stop thinking about you. I think I love you." You stare at Peter with a smile. "Your drunk, get some sleep and we can talk tomorrow." You say as you leave the room. You make your way to your room and fall asleep because your exhausted from battle. Your woken up by a faint knock on the door. "Emma, it's Peter. Can I come in?" He whispers though. You mockingly whisper back "yeah." He comes in and sits at the corner of your bed so you ask him if what he said last night was true. A few seconds of silent passed when he looked up to you and said "every single word of it, wanna hang out tonight?" He asked in a shy way. "It's a date!" You said excitedly. Peter blushed and left the room. After a long day, it's finally time for the date. You get dressed in the nicest dress and meet Peter outside. Peter told you how great you looked then supposed you with an amazing car he rented out for the date. He ran to the car and opened the door for you. "Thankyou kind sir." You said jokingly. You start driving for a while until you see something moving in the distance. You ask Peter to get the suit lady (karen) to confirm what it was. Karen replies with "facial recognition reads Thanos, a superhuman known as the titan Eternals." You look at Peter with fear in your eyes because you thought you killed Thanos. "Miss me." Thanos laughed. You tried to ask questions but Thanos grabbed you and sucked some of your telekinesis ability out into an electric current filled ball and put it in his knuckle. Thanos throws you down towards the car but Peter catches you. Thanos snaps his fingers together with your powers and crushes every one in your body. You scream out in agony. Peter shoots webs at Thanos making him leave with your powers. Then, You blackout from the pain. Peter picks you up and carries you too the car. He starts driving back to the headquarters and you scream again in pain from the motion of the bumps in the road. Peter starts to panic as he calls tony to tell him what happened. Dr strange made a portal to you for Tony to get you back to safety. You wake up feeling unaware of your surroundings. You call out for Peter so he holds you hand to comfort you. Tony comes in questioning you what happened. You cry to talk through the pain. "Thanos...he's alive." You groan through the pain. Peter explains to everyone how Thanos is connected to you and they need to come up with a way to stop him. "If you kill Thanos, you kill me." You interrupted. 5 months have passed since your run in with Thanos. A plan is finally in action. Dr strange said "you will feel everything but it will disconnect you from him. What we will do is summon him. Then I will use my powers to freeze every bone in his body whist Peter gets your powers from his glove but being frozen will shatter your bones. Once your disconnected you need to help me create a portal to drop him into space." You started crying so Peter came over and gave you a hug for reassurance "your going to be okay, when this is over...we can finish our date." He whispered in your ear. You became confident and wanted this to be over so everyone suited up. "I know I've not said this before but I love you Emma." He said embarrassed. "I love you too Peter" you replied and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Dr strange makes the portal as everyone flies through too see thank on the other side. "The pain wasn't enough last time?" Thanos growled. As he went to snap his fingers, dr strange freezes every bone in his body which made you fall to the floor as you screamed in pain. Peter swung onto Thanos' hand and took Your powers back. Peter ran down to you as you took back your powers which healed every bone in your body to create the portal. With every ounce of strength you had, you and dr strange created a portal and pushed Thanos through. You closed the portal is you watched him disappear into space but you collapse because you've overused your powers so Tony carried you back to head quarters. You wake up and see Loki. "Where's Peter?" You asked as Loki was telling you he's about to come back, something crunched inside your arm and you screamed in pain. Peter rushes into the medical room. "Emma! Are you alright?" He asked worried. Peter called for Tony to come quick and explained how you weren't healing. No one knew what was wrong...apart from Tony.

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