☘꙰⃝⏤͟͟͞ 【Bonding Part 6】

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Yoongi:I swear if you don't shut up

Yoongi growled,garing at you as you laid on the ground behind him


Ever since you got positive responden from your parents after you call home by his name on your own wat,you called jin whenever you could,abandoned your catchprhase that had once been 'hi' and bot,di you annoy the living crap out of your second brother.He coudn't have a peaceful afternoon anymore.The only thing yoongi heard was his little sister whining for him.

Yoongi: Shut up!!!

Yoongi screeched,gnashing his teeth at you.You look at your brothers not expecting Sucha negative auction and negative though come into your info like 'weren't you happy that I got your name right,though?what happened?do you not like me' and your bottom lip start to trembled

Yoongi:Don't even think about crying

Your brothers hissed,knowing very well what quivering lip meant.You didn't understand the warung so you obliviuos to his fury.Baby you Begam to cry as your face scrunched.Yoongi heard his mom stir in the kitchen

Eomma:Everything okay in there,sifat?Did Y/N use a potty Go ask jinnie to show you how to change her

Yoongi look back at the doorway to the kitchen and answered

Yoongi:She's okay

He turn back at you

Yoongi:c'mon Y/N,dry those eye.Eomma is going to give me a spanking if you don't

But you continued to crying


You sobbed,your hands balling into fists as you threw your little arms about.The.,yoongi heard a footsteps and his heart starting ti pounding.He could see his mom holding his baby sister,stating that yoongi was grounded from tv for the next week.He gulped as he saw his mom picked you up into her arms.

Eomma:What's wrong honey?

Your mom cooed and giving you a kiss on your mouse.You looked at your brothers who wass still seated on the ground below you.You made a grabby hands toward hum.

Your mom smiles as she looked at her second eldest and Said

Eomma:Yoongi,i knew how much you dislike to taking care of your sister....

Something change in yoongi instantly.Seeing how you cried for him even though he had clearly made it known that he didn't want to be your friend made his hard shell soften just a little bit.He stood up and Said

Yoongi:Ni Eomma,i cam take care of her and i'm okay with it

Your mom was taken back but she passed you to yoongi anyway

Eomma:Whatevee you say sugar,If she doesn't calm down though just bring her back to me

Yoongi nodded and looked down at you once your mother was back cleaning the kitchen

Yoongi:Are you always going to cry like this?I don't like it.Crying is for weenies like...like jin

Suddenly a head popped up from tje couch

Jimin:I'm telling Eomma you say that

Yoongi:No you won't

Yoongi fired back not wanting to get in trouble.And as you tears started to subside, you giggled happily as you sat in the arms of your brother.

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