Chapter 28

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Negan's POV:
Me and Cait are sat against a tree. Those skin freaks are everywhere! The big guy was talking to the leader Alpha. "Fucking hell is that really-?" Cait asked. "Yeah it is darling" I whispered. Sure enough, that's my baby sister that the Jolly Green Giant was talking to. Cait was shivering like crazy so I put my arm around her to try and warm her up.

We ended up being forced to do different tasks - catch and kill a pig and skin some walkers. The big dumbass refused to let me and Cait eat some of the pig since we ain't part of the tribe but a couple of the skin freaks gave us their food.

We're walking in one of the packs, the big guy in front of me and Caitlan. Then we stopped. The big freak then killed a walker and ditched us. The walkers started to come at us. Caitlan was freaking out. I squeezed her hand assuringly. "We got this darling" I whispered and I found two large pointed branches, gave one to Cait and we started killing the hoard.

We're covered in blood and sweat but we managed to kill each walker that surrounded us. "You ok sweetheart?" I put my hand to Cait's face. "Yeah I'm ok." She smiled. I brought her into a hug.

"We're ready to be measured for our damn skin suits. Make sure it's a long tape measure on the account of my big balls" I said as me and Caitlan walked towards the skin freaks, Cait jabbed me in the side. We stopped in front of my sister, now known as Alpha and the big guy. "I'm Negan and this is Caitlan. Whatever you want that we got, it's yours". Me and Caitlan kneeled down. I knew Caitlan was slightly scared. But we looked up, Alpha smiled and put her finger to her lips. "Stand up. Before this world began you were my brother and niece, but you wanna be one of us, you abide by the rules. I expect you to abide by my rules. You may have proven yourself Negan, but I need to see how Caitlan does on her own." Alpha said. "What does that include?" I asked my sister. She looked at Caitlan. "We wanna see your strength. Choose your opponent. It can be from anyone in our hoard. Including myself and Beta. Fight to the death. Take your pick."

Caitlans POV:
Umm what? I gulped. "Well I'm not stupid enough to take on you or the big guy" I croaked. My Aunty then lifted her arms as an indication to choose. I roamed around everyone until I recognised one person. One of the bullies all those years ago that beat me and locked me in the school closet. My blood boiled. I raised and pointed my finger at her. "You! Over here" Alpha said and she came over. She recognised me and Dad. "What happened to the other two?" I sneered. "Got bit not long after this world began." She stuttered. "Enough chatter!" Beta hissed. I guess we gotta fight. Alpha gave me a knife. I took the first swing and cut her cheek. I dodged a swing from her, but then she got me in a headlock and started choking me. I gripped my knife and plunged it into her rib cage. She then cut my upper arm but I grabbed my knife and slit her throat, then decapitated her head. I lifted it up and threw it down. Dad came over and pulled me into a hug.

Negan's POV:
Watching my baby girl fight to the death, I didn't like that at all. But when she decapitated that head I just ran over to her and hugged her, thankful it wasn't her head decapitated. "Stop coddling her! Well done you exceeded my expectations!" My sister exclaimed. She's gone freaking psychotic!

That's this chapter guys, I hope y'all like it and sorry it's been a wee while

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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