Part 1-The Hug

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Haruka POV:
(I just finished singing on stage again! I'm so happy with my idol life! I'm happy that I can show my fans who I really am and send emotions through their heart with my voice!)
"Haruka-chan! Someone wants to talk to you!!"
(It's An Shiraishi, she's my best friend and also I promoted her to idol manager, since I trust her the most out of all of the people I know)
"Hello An, does this person own the VIP ticket? I need to make sure!"
"Of course she does! Here she is! Good luck, Haruka!"
(I sit down in my arm chair, it's blue color matches my hair. I wait for the fan to come inside my room)
(It's a brown haired girl, her eyes are grey and she seems energetic! Just the type of fan I like!)
"Hello there!"
(I smile softly at her)
"Oh my God! I can't believe I'm talking to the famous idol Kiritani Haruka!! I'm so happy to see you!!"
(The girl sits down and bows to me, I giggle)
"Hey! You don't have to bow like that! Stand up so we can talk! What's your name?"
(The girl stands up and starts to comb her hair with her fingers)
"I'm Minori! Hanasato Minori!"
(She does an idol-like pose. I wonder, does she like singing? Does she have an experience with it?)
"Minori, do you like singing? Or are you just a fan of mine?"
(Minori sits next to me, on a regular wooden chair)
"I do love singing! I really do! I'm in the music club in my class and I'm the main singer!"
(The brown haired girl jumps on her chair, she really is energetic!)
"Can you show me your skills? It would be appreciated if you do"
"Ehh?? Me? Showing your skills to you?? Me?? Of all people??"
(Minori seems to get nervous, I try calming her down)
"You're the first fan I meet that has singing skills, maybe you can show me? I'm an idol you know, I can rate your skills!"
(Minori is still kind of nervous, but I can see she calmed down a little. She stands up and does the same pose she did before)
"Hai Hai! Minori-chan, go!"
(She starts humming a sweet melody and starts singing. Her voice is high pitched and soft, the words are jumping out of the lyrics, happily and energetically. I stare at her amazed)
"Hai Hai! Owari~"
(I stare at her again, before starting to clap my hands fastly)
"Good job Minori-chan!! You did very great!!"

Minori POV:
(I can't believe it!! Kiritani Haruka is applauding to me?? The famous idol Kiritani Haruka is applauding to me?)
"Ah! Thanks so much Haruka-chan! I'm so happy! I can't believe this!!"
(I start sobbing in happiness)
"No need to cry Minori!! Accept the fact that you're very good at singing!!"
(This has to be a dream!!)
"Miss Minori-chan! Your time meeting with Haruka as run out!"
"Ah I have to-"
(Before I managed to wave at Haruka, she hugs me tightly, while smiling!)
"Ah! Haruka-chan!"
"Good luck with your singing career, Minori"
(I'm speechless, after what felt like hours, but were only a few minutes, I pull away and wave at Haruka, while blushing heavily. She waves back smiling)

Time skip~

Minori POV:
"Kohane!! I can't believe it!! The famous idol Haruka Kiritani talked to me and hugged me! Can you believe it?"
(Kohane was eating cookies while I was rambling to her about my experience with Haruka)
"Wow! That's good for you! Fortunately, I met Haruka a few times already, since my cru- I mean my friend is her manager"
"You must be lucky.."
(Kohane finishes eating and looks at me)
"Well, I may be, but An isn't..she says it's a stress to control every single live concert and idol paperwork. And also, cope with some of the many crazy fans hehe.. You're not one of them though, that's probably why Haruka likes you!"
(Haruka-chan...likes me?)
"Oh! Alright! That's great!"
(Kohane giggles and grabs her backpack)
"I have to go home, I have homework to do now!"
(I wave at Kohane and she waves back. Sure enough, An accompanies her home...)
(I stay at the Cafe for a few seconds with my already finished hot chocolate. Just looking at the sunset,with my bag cletched in my hands)
"Will I meet Haruka again?"
(I mumble softly, I must meet her again. Maybe she lives here, maybe she has to travel around the world for various concerts..that's the problem of having a relationship with an idol on the first place)
"Did you finish?"
(I yelp as my thoughts get interrupted, by a boy with orange hair,and an apron)
"Y-Yeah, sorry Akito"
"Don't worry, let me get this away for you"
(He says as he grabs the cup and the empty cookie box. He then reaches Touya and they take off their aprons)
"I must go home now, It's kinda late"
(I grab my backpack and I get outside of the café, waving at Akito and Touya. I reach my house and get inside)
"Yawnn, I'm kinda sleepy, this was a hard day.."
(I put the jacket on the hanger and rush to my room, thank God I did my homework in the morning. I change my clothes to a comfortable outfit and go to sleep as fast as I can)

Word count: 916!
Thank you very much for reading! Yeah, I do have a lot of project sekai ships lmao. I'll probably continue this one on weekends hehe. Bye bye have a great day!

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