Chapter 1: Date

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Chapter 1: Date

Scarlette's POV

I sat down on the bench outside the restaurant, tapping my heels on the ground.

"I swear if I get stood up again." I said quietly, pulling my black leather jacket tighter against my body in an attempt to keep myself warm. I glanced at the door to see if there was an empty seat inside, nope.

"Scarlette?" I heard a deep voice ask. I turned to see a tall man walking towards me. Finally, a man who doesn't lie about his height.

"Andy?" I questioned and he nodded with a smile. I stood up as he finally made it over to me. "Let's get inside, I'm freezing." I said, shifting my weight from foot to foot.

"You're the one who chose to wear a dress." He laughed, stuffing his hands in his pockets. I looked down at my outfit. I had on a short, sleeveless black dress. The only thing keeping me warm was my leather jacket, my legs were popsicles. I also had on black heels and my dark red hair was down and curled.

 I also had on black heels and my dark red hair was down and curled

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I looked back up at him and shrugged. "What, do I not look nice?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No! You look...very nice." He said, biting his lip and clearing his throat. He was wearing a black button up with the sleeves cuffed at his wrist. He was wearing black jeans and black dress shoes. "Come on, let's get you inside." He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and leading me into the restaurant. As soon as we got in, I let out a sigh as I felt the heater wrap me up in it's warm air.

"Better?" He chuckled.

"Much." I said, feeling my legs start to defrost. We got up to the hostess stand and Andy stepped up.

"Reservation for Biersack." He told the hostess and she looked down at her list. She nodded and grabbed two menus before stepping out from behind her stand.

"Right this way." She told us, beginning to walk away. We followed her, my heels clicking on the floor. We got to our table and she placed the menus on the table. Andy grabbed my chair and pulled it out for me. I sat down and he pushed me in before going around to his seat and sitting down himself.

"Your waiter will be right with you." She said and then walked away. I opened the menu and began to look through the different dishes.

"Hello, I'm Ashley and I'll be your waitress tonight, can I start you two off with some drinks?"

"I'll have a red Moscato." I told her and she wrote it down before looking over at Andy.

"Just a water for me, thanks." He said. She nodded and walked away.

"Not a wine drinker?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him.

"Not a drinker." He corrected me. "I've been sober for a few years now." He stated.

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