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Orcid: hi guys got a few questions to do and I feel like we're missing something...oh right! *snaps* *markiplier appears as a pony*

Mark: what the?...AHH! What are you?!

Trixie: calm yourself, for the Great and Powerful Trixie is here! These are her assistants.

Orcid: you just never listen do you?...*sigh* well let me introduce myself, I'm Orcid the Lady of Wickedness, these are my friends.

Mark: where am I? And why are there freak'n talking horses that! still!

Queen: because your in Equastria, and we hope you don't mind but answer a few questions.

Mark: cool voice.

Queen: why thank you.

Nightmare: oh! I can't take it anymore! I can't believe I'm actually talking to the best gamer ever known!

Mark: uhm..thanks. and who are you?

Nightmare: I'm Nightmare Moon. forgive me if you may?

Mark: oh your fine! And those three?

Discord: I'm Discord the Lord of Chaos.

Queen: Queen Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings.

Sombra: King Sombra, Dreadful King of The Crystal Empire.

Mark: your names sound like your evil.

Orcid: that's cause we are, but don't worry. Ok I'm going to do this one first and then start from the top. it's from GoodKingSombra : I dare Trixie and Discord to have a duel

Discord: got it! *snaps* *ropes Trixie* your lucky I'm giving you mercy.

Orcid: thank you! Next is from thatgirl355 : I dare Orcid to gather the main six and then to leave Trixie with them
Gladly. *snaps the main six* she's all yours girls *snap them away with Trixie*

Queen: finally! We don't have to hear your yelling!

Orcid: shut up! Next one is from thatgirl355 :
I want to ask can I be your friends also I'm sorry Sombra can you forgive me (for the first dare I wrote)

Sombra: oh it's ok. you didn't know.

Queen: of course you can be our friends!

Orcid: yep! Next one is from MaddieHouston : MLP ships I like: DiscordXFlutteshy and SombraXMidnightDusk (my OC) what are your thoughts?
I actually like both of them!

Discord: WHAT?!

Orcid: *giggles* what? I do?

Discord: in my opinion I'm not a huge fan of the first one, I like the second one though.


Queen: ME TOO!

Nightmare: I AS WELL!

Discord: oh COME ON!

Orcid: last one is from flute_player_1 : Discord how do u truly feel about Fluttershy!! I must know I love fluttercord almost as much as cheesepie!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD XD

Discord: what is with you ponies these days?!! I don't like Fluttershy that much ok!

Mark: I guess ponies ship like people... COOL!

Discord: no! NO IT IS NOT! No! Nada! Never! Nein! Just NO!

Orcid: *laughs* Mark how bout you close out for us.

Mark: um ok. As always we will see you in the next..ask? BU-BYE!!!

Ask the Villains of  Equestria (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now