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People started to notice how close Jungkook and Y/n have gotten

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People started to notice how close Jungkook and Y/n have gotten. Y/n started to sit with Jungkook during lunch. They would talk about anything and everything.

Y/n started to fall for the raven haired boy. She would catch herself thinking about him late at night. She only has is one more day to practice with him until tryouts. She has no idea where this relationship is going but she hopes they don't become strangers again.

Y/n arrives to the studio with a small chocolate cake in her hands. Tonight they won't be practicing. She hopes to have a chill night with him. She enters the building and music could be heard.

She walks into the studio and he's practicing his own dance routine. He stops dancing once he spots her. He raise an eyebrow once he spots the cake,

"What's this?"

He asks once she got closer to him.

"This, my friend, is me showing how much I appreciate you. And to thank you for helping me these pass three weeks. I know that you're busy with your own routine but somehow you managed to help me and I am so grateful."

She tells him truthfully with a warm smile.

Her words made his heart melt. He couldn't help but flash her his bunny smile.

"Don't mention it. I'm glad you asked. Gave me something to do and I gained a new friendship."

He tells her.

It pained him to say that word. He didn't want to be her friend. He wanted to be more than just that. But he didn't know how she felt so if her being a friend is what makes her stay in his life than he's okay with that.

Both parties sat in the middle of the main floor and started to eat the cake. They sat in silence as they chew. Y/n was in her own little world. Jungkook couldn't take his eyes off of her. He couldn't help but just admire her. She was beautiful.

From her (h/c) (h/t) hair to her sock covered feet. Every inch of her was perfect to him. Y/n felt his stare. She wanted to look at him but she knew if she did he would look away. She didn't want that. She like the way he was looking at her. Like she was this masterpiece at an art museum. She felt giddy inside.

Jungkook finally looked away and cleared his throat, "Are you nervous?" He asks, placing down his plastic fork.

She shrugs as she place down her fork as well, "A little. It's more nerve racking since we had to come up with our own routine. But I had a good dance teacher so I know I'm going to be okay." She compliments and shoots him a smile.

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