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Y/n arrived to the studio a little early

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Y/n arrived to the studio a little early. She grabs her stuff and walks into the building. She sets her things where they need to go. She hooks up her phone and starts the song.

She takes in a deep breath and starts to dance. She did the moves Jungkook taught her. She put her heart out to the dance. She picks up her flag and did her routine with it. She tosses her flag and catches it with ease. Then she moves on to her rifle work.

She tosses her rifle and did some drop spins to the beat. She does a 45 toss and catches it. She sets it down and finishes her dance routine. She picks up her rifle again and makes a big toss and spins three times and catches it perfectly.

She release the air she didn't know she was holding and dropped onto all fours. She hears clapping and looks up. It was Jungkook.

She smiles and lays down on her back and breathed heavily. Jungkook makes an appearance in her vision.

"That was amazing." He compliments her.

She huffs and sits up, "Thank you. Like I said before I learned from the best." She says, spinning around to look up at him. He reached out his hand to her.

She shakes her head and stood up on her own. She didn't want him to struggle pulling her up. She wipes the dirt from her shorts and looked at him.

"You ready?" She asks.

He nods, "Let's get it."


Four hours. They practiced for four hours. He helped her with her dance one more time. She practiced her routine a thousand times until she knew she can do it in her sleep.

They take their place on the bench. Y/n wipes away her sweat and took a sip of her water. She checks the time and it's almost one in the morning.

Her eyes widen and she shots up grabbing her keys. She gathers her equipment.

"Thank you again, Jungkook. I'll see you tomorrow at school." She tells him as she made her way to the exit. He waves at her as she disappears into the hallway.

He sighs and couldn't help the smile that appeared on his lips. He gets up and grabbed his keys. He turns off the lights and locked up.

Y/n rushed home. She enters her house and went to her room. There sleeping in her bed is Taehyung. She sighs and leans against the door frame. She was so tired. She kicks off her shoes and grabbed some clothes.

She goes to the bathroom and took a quick shower. She did her night routine and walked out of the bathroom. She throws her dirty clothes into the hamper. She enters her cold bedroom and closed the door behind her.

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