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Today is the day! Tryouts! Y/n is a nervous wreck

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Today is the day! Tryouts! Y/n is a nervous wreck. The only person she can honestly be around is Taehyung. She thanks God everybody that he gave her the courage to talk to Taehyung in the first grade. She wouldn't know where she would be if he wasn't in her life.

When she's nervous and Taehyung would be around her, she would play with his ear. She has always done it. Even when they were kids. She remembers the first time she did it. It was when they were in the 3rd Grade and they had to this Christmas play to do. Taehyung and Y/n were the main characters of the play. Only being 8 years old, Y/n was overwhelmed.

It was the night of the play and Y/n was so nervous. She started to hyperventilate at the thought of the crowd. Taehyung brought his best friend into a tight hug. Her warm cheek made contact to his cold ear.

She pulls away and just starts to play with his cold ears. Taehyung didn't care. Even at such a young age. She just felt this type of comfort in his big ears. She calmed down and they did the play.

They're in 5th hour doing nothing. Taehyung  has his desk close to Y/n and he's laying his head on her desk. Her fingers went straight to his ear. Taehyung sighs and got comfortable. As she plays with her best friends ear, Jungkook slips into her mind.

She constantly wonders if Jungkook and her are going to be friends after all of this. Taehyung says they need to talk. She hopes not about her feelings for him. That would be embarrassing. Taehyung knows she never had a crush or had feelings for anyone, because of his past and recent relationships.

He felt guilty that he scared her to be in any kind of relationship. But deep down he didn't want to see his best friend hurt like he did. Ever since Madison, Taehyung hasn't talked to any other girl. He wanted to take a break. To get himself together and figure out what he wants in the future.

Y/n really likes Jungkook. He's the only guy she has ever really liked. She wanted her first crush to actually mean something to her. She always made sure to never fall for a guy who is just handsome. She wanted to see what was underneath. She got to know Jungkook and here she is. With her first crush and actually having feelings for someone.

She stops playing with Taehyung's ear. He's fast asleep with drool falling onto her desk top. She couldn't help but smile at him. She pushed back his bangs and looked at his sleeping face.

Taehyung was the first guy to never call her fat or ugly. Even as kids, Taehyung always thought she was pretty. He didn't care about her size. She was the only one in their grade that actually talked to him. She knew he barely knew English. So, she stayed by his side and helped him.

The bell rings and Y/n wakes up Taehyung. He sits up and stretches his muscles as he rubs his eyes. He looks at his best friend tiredly. She couldn't help but smile at him.

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