drama class

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{Danna entered drama class and comes to find out that there is a musical production of heathers but then Mr. Kangta saw so much talent in bada that he wants her to audition}

Mr. Kangta; hello everyone my name is Mr. kangta and I'm the drama teacher and basketball team coach if you want to talk to me sometime about class my office is open

Students; mhm

Mr. Kangta; who here is bada/danna

Bada; oh that's me

Mr. Kangta; well you know half the students here wanted drama class and you won for this year why don't you perform for us

Bada; no i can't-

Mr. Kangta; great now step on stage

Bada; but-

Mr. Kangta; candy store by Heather's

Bada; i know that song by heart

Mr. Kangta; great now up on stage

Bada; ok

* sings candy store*

Mr. Kangta; I'm gonna stop you right there that was beautiful *starts crying*

Bada; thank you my dad is Donghae from super junior so I do have some singing in my blood

Mr. Kangta; hope to see you at the heathers audition

Bada; ok probably he's going to give me the part of heather chandler eeepppp

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