Green and salty just like my nuts: the second cumming

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"And where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Far away from here that's for damn sure!" Aiden said as he grabbed his suitcase from the top of his closet. For a while now he has been contemplating leaving his old life behind and running away to Europe. He's been saving up on cash to get a plane ticket and today was the day where he said fuck it and was ready to leave. Aiden was tired of his Mom being an absolute bitch towards him, blaming him for her divorce, yelling at him every day for the smallest inconvenience. The list goes on and on. Aiden couldn't take it anymore, he was just ready to move on with life and live out his dream. "Oh really? How are you gonna take care of yourself? You have no money, you won't have anywhere to live. You'll have nothing!" His mother screamed, bursting into his room, her hands on her hips and her face as red as fire. "Better than living here! I'm tired of all your shit! You're such a bitch to me and everyone else in this god forsaken house!" He screamed back at her, slamming some neat clothes into the suitcase. "Excuse me? You know what that's it. You aren't going anywhere for the rest of your goddamn days!" She yelled, turning around and slamming his door shut quickly locking it afterwards.

"Hey! Hey wait a second!" Aiden ran to his door and shook the knob trying to open it, "You can't keep me in here!" He heard footsteps walking away from him as he continued to try and get it open, failing in the process, "Fuck!" he sighed in defeat. Walking away from his door to go and sit on his bed.  Well, that failed. Now he's stuck here for even longer than he intended. He sat there for a few minutes before he heard commotion in the hallway. it sounded like banging at the walls, stuff being thrown, a few grunts and even a scream.  Aiden stood up and stared at his door in fear, worried about what was going on behind that door.  Another few minutes had passed when a foul odor reached his room, in which he held his nose in disgust. It smelled like a rotting body, this made him think. Is it...No...there's no way. He heard another grunt only this time closer to his door. Aiden took no chances. Running to his window he opened it quickly, carefully climbed out and jumped onto the front yard, surprisingly sustaining no injuries. He ran over to his next door neighbors house and broke in through a window, knowing they had a loaded shotgun somewhere in the house. Good thing they were on vacation. Searching through every cabinet and every door, he finally found it, literally in a gun case right dead in the middle of the house.  Aiden facepalmed, grabbed the shotgun plus some extra ammo and ran out the front door towards his house.

Entering from his front door, the horrid odor returned and filled up his nose. Cautiously, he entered into the living room and saw his dead father, who happened to be visiting that day, on the couch. His neck looked as if some wolf took a huge bite out of it. Aiden shuttered, and turned to the stairs. Before he even could go to the top of them, something stopped him in his tracks. The odor was even stronger than before. It's rotting flesh was hard to ignore, the only thing left that made it human was it's head. Skin peeling off, organs visible. The sight was horrid, but Aiden was quick to react. Aiming the gun, he shot the zombie right in its chest, making it fall back and hit the ground with a thud. Reaching the top of the stairs, he noticed another body halfway out of the door. Walking closer, he found out it was his mom rotting on the floor but hey, fuck that bitch, so he continued towards his room. The only thing he knew he could pack was some mac and cheese and diet, Snapple. He didn't want to go bored, so he also packed his art supplies. Zipping up the suitcase, he dragged it along the floor, trying to keep it away from the bodies, and began to walk out the door. Completely forgetting to check and see if his brother, Cody, was okay.

Once he was out of the house, he took one giant deep breath, and then just began to run in one direction. Did he know where he was going? Not in the slightest, but anywhere was better than his zombie infested house. That was the problem though. Everywhere, was infested with zombies. The best place he knew he could go to was the woods, at least for now. Won't be long before the zombies head there either.

When he reached the woods however, it was way past sunset, his only source of light being the moon. It sucked ass, but this is the apocalypse. You gotta make do with what ya got. He didn't know what direction was what, so he just continued heading straight. That is, until he heard what sounded like gunshots from a distance. Quickly, he hunkered down by a tree and stayed there for about a minute, until he heard another gunshot. This time it was a little closer than before, but after the gunshot he heard what sounded like yelling.

"You fucking idiot! You want to attract the whole horde here?!"

Aiden slowly stood up and peeked out from the tree, noticing two people in the distance. One with a red hoodie and the other with a black one. The person with the black one seemed to be holding a bunch of guns and a giant backpack, while the one in red just seemed to have a school backpack and an eyepatch? "Look I don't know how to shoot a gun so I wanted to test it out! You said I could take the handgun!" "Yeah? and I meant for you to use it WHEN YOU NEED TO USE IT!" Jeez, Aiden thought to himself, These guys are really aggressive...but hey! maybe I can trick these assholes into helping me out. Grabbing his gun, he slowly walked towards them, trying to make as little noise as possible. But luckily for him, he stepped on a stick so there goes making as little noise as possible. Both of them turned, guns raised and aiming towards his direction, "Who's there?" the one in black stated, slowly walking towards Aiden.

"This was a mistake this was a mistake this was a mistake" He whispered to himself and started backing away.

"Don't walk away from me! I'll pop a cap in your ass!"

"Jax what the fuck does that even mean"

"It means I'll shoot you."

Great, now Aiden was really fucked. He raised his hands and stopped walking, "Okay okay! I'm friendly I promise!" The one in the black hoodie, that he assumed was Jax, walked up to him and stared him down, "What do you want." Aiden began his intricate lie, "Listen, uh Jax, I'm just trying to survive out here. I promise I'm no threat" Jax was suspicious, but he lowered his gun just a little, as the other guy approached. Yeaup, he really was wearing an eyepatch. "No threat my ass!" The red hoodie guy started, "You're sus as fuck dude. I think we should force him to be in our group and make him be our bitch!" Jax stared at him with an annoyed look, "Brody.  We're not making any one our bitch unless they screw us over." Brody almost smacked Jax upside the head, "YEAH and he wants to use us for his bidding! make him our bitch." Jax sighed and turned back to Aiden, "Can you handle a gun?" Aiden looked at him with an annoyed face and lifted up the shotgun that was already in his hands, "What do you think jackass." "Oh.  Welp.  Well whatever, you seem useful enough." Jax patted him on the shoulder, "Welcome to this... i guess you could say group, asshole."

"Hold on, hold on, hold on. What's in it for me?" Aiden shoved Jax away and held his gun close to his chest. He just met these guys and now they're suddenly apart of a group? "We don't feed you to the zombies and have you die a painful death, how's that?" Jax smiled, trying to keep his cool after being forcefully shoved. Aiden sighed once again, he guessed this is as good as he was going to get. "WAIT!" Brody jumped in between them, "If we're gonna be a group, we're gonna need roles!" Aiden and Jax both simultaneously raised a brow at him. "Here, I'll assign them to make it easier for us. I'll be the survivalist. I get all the food and everything. You" He pointed at Aiden, "Whatever your name is-" "It's Aiden." "Nice, anyways you'll be the medic and Jax" Brody now pointed at Jax, "You'll be the warrior! Since you have all the guns and stuff"

Jax and Aiden looked at each other and shrugged it off, those were decent roles they guessed. Besides, Jax liked being called a warrior, it inflated his ego.

"Y'know" Jax started, leading Aiden back to their tiny campsite, "Brody may be an idiot, and Aiden may be my next reason, but I think we'll do okay out here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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