out of all the reasons people hate her i believe this is the only that actually makes sense but it is definitely taken out of context.despite from the fact that she was literally 12 during this and she didn't quite understand the pain of being alone and having no family.i think her intention wasn't really to make fun of him but more so just to point out the fact that he didn't face any consequences for his actions and pretty much did whatever he wanted.I also don't think she understood sasuke's situation because she seems a little confused on his reaction.
i'm sure she most definitely regrets saying this after finding out how much being alone actually affected naruto and sasuke.
people act like that they aren't human as well we all make mistakes and grow from it so let's not act she hasn't grown from her past mistakes
Why so much people hate Sakura Haruno
Randomthis is about why people hate sakura and why you shouldn't hate her everything may not be 100% accurate