1. drool

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Max's pov

I stepped out of the rocket. It was beautiful. I never got tired of returning to Drool. After my last visit, I wanted to stay forever but I have to go to school and my parents would miss me too much. Their relationship has gotten better since my last visit in elementary school. I was a sophomore now, but still felt like a kid when I was reminded of my dream world.

I look to my left as Sharkboy and Lavagirl look at me, waiting for my reaction to Drool. It looked different. I hadn't seen them in so long, but when they visited me I knew immediately there was a problem.

Last Night

I awoke to the sound of lighting, deja vu making the hair on my arms stand on end. I was thirsty, so thirsty, the Texas heat making me sweat already.

I made my way down the flight of stairs and into my kitchen. I didn't bother to turn the lights on, it was late and I planned on falling asleep as soon as I made my way back up to my room. I removed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water. I took a sip and reveled in the feeling of the cool water rehydrating me.

The flash of lighting illuminated the room. I see two dark figures in the corner of my eye. I jump at the sight. I hit the glass, water spilling everywhere. I stepped to the arch way, gingerly stepping as to not make any noise. I looked at the dinning table, startled to see my old friends.

I felt my face light up as soon as my eyes met Lavagirl's soft, caring eyes. I looked down to see their pinky finger intertwined. They never wanted to be apart, and even when they were together they would always be close or even touching. Sharkboy shifted his hand to fully grasp her's and pull her to his side as he made his way around the table to embrace his old friend.

As they separated, he saw the worried expression on Sharkboy's face.

"What's wrong?" I question.

"Drool is... well, Minus had taken over again"

/ 366 words
author's note: hey, thank you for reading! i know this is short, i might make them longer later. i just want to say that this is a joke, but i still am invested so lolz i guess. thank you all again  -car

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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