Chapter 1

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It's awful. They crowd around me. All the men with big muscles, pulling me roughly from the empty cafeteria where I eat my food, handcuffed, to the cell, with plain concrete walls and a small, uncomfortable cot in the corner. My hands are raw, but I have learned not to push back. It will only make it worse. I know that I did this to myself. But it was the right thing to do. And I know that much, to say the least.

"Jaden!" I wake up in a sweat. A woman is standing over me, with a very worried expression on her tight face.

"Mom," I grumble, rubbing my eyes.

"Did you have another dream? About... the thing last year?" she asks, looking at me with a frown.

"Yeah, but I'm fine. I promise." I stand up and shake my head. "I really don't think... never mind." Inside, I know I shouldn't tell my mother that these aren't flashbacks. I know that she shouldn't know about this... but I'm not sure how I know. I just... do.

"If you say so. Come get some breakfast, you're going to miss the bus!" My mother leaves the room, the door clicking behind her. I quickly change into a white shirt with jeans and head downstairs, sliding on my high tops and grabbing a toaster waffle from the counter.

"Bye!" I call, opening the door.

"Bye, be safe have fun don't get into trouble be good!" my mother yells. I roll my eyes and chuckle, closing the door and running top speed to the bus stop. 

There is a little girl with bright pink hair chewing bright pink bubblegum and reading a kids magazine at the bench next to the bus stop sign. She is there every day. On the first day of school, I tried to make conversation but she pretends I don't exist. So I have done the same, every time. She doesn't get on the same bus as me. I suspect that she waits the five minutes after my bus comes to get onto the elementary bus. She does, in fact, look like a fifth grader to me. 

The bus pulls up, and gray smoke billows from the back end. The sound of screaming high-schoolers fills my head as I step into the vehicle, wave to the bus driver Ted, and sit down in an empty seat, next to the fogged up, dirty window. 

"Tell us!" A man hits me, hard. It's painful. Very painful. I keep quiet, though. I know that it is best to stay silent. Any and all words are used against me, even out of court. "Why did you do that?" My cheek is red from the slap, and I try to keep the tears in. I deserve this, of course. Everyone knows I deserve this. Jaden knows I deserve this.

Author's Note

Very different from The Masked Menace! I'm taking a different approach on this one, and I hope you like it!!!

Anna <3

Word Count: 482 

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