Chapter 2

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"I can't keep taking you home early from school!" My mother scolds, focusing on the road in front of her.

"It's not my fault I fainted on the bus! There's nothing I can do about it!" I snap, looking out the car window angrily. 

"I know, honey. We just... I don't know. Now don't get me wrong, I know that you had some very serious traumatic experiences in your life, sweetie. I don't doubt that. But, it's been a year. You've been talking to a therapist. Shouldn't it get... better? At least, a bit? I know it's not your fault, but -"

"No, Mom, I understand. I know why you say that, I agree. But, I don't know how to stop it," I get choked up, and I wipe my eyes quickly, hoping she doesn't see. My mom doesn't continue the conversation.

We pull up to a big tall building. Group therapy. I always hate it. I know it's good for me or something like that, but I just can't get myself to enjoy sharing my feelings with other anti social teens. Our group leader, Jane, is very, well, pushy. You can't go a day there without telling at least one great big secret. 

"Hello, fellow Trippians! We are going to have another Trippian in our group! Everyone, welcome Filippa to our group!" Jane says. Everyone around me looks at her, and then back to the floor. "Welcome Filippa, please! It's only decent." All five of us mumble our hellos as a girl steps from behind the bookshelves at the back of the room. She looks familiar. She is the girl from the bus stop. Filippa notices me and widens her eyes, then waves and sits down at the desk in front of her. "Say hello, Filippa!"

"Hello," Filippa mutters, playing with her bright hair with a long, lanky pale finger.

"Tell us something about you, Filippa!" Jane says, looking at the poor little girl. "How old are you? What grade are you? Favorite color? Pets? Family? Anything, kid!" 

"Right, okay. I'm nine years of age. I was born into the world on the first of the second month of 2011. I like the color pink. More precisely, neon or hot pink. I like both fairly equally. I don't remember what else you asked, so I'm going to shut my mouth now. I feel quite uncomfortable here, to be frank with you." Filippa closes her eyes and sighs. She then opens them, and Jane is asking more questions.

"Why are you at this amazing group therapy, Filippa?"

"Reasons," Filippa says exasperatedly. Jane reads the room and drops it. 

"So, let's start. David, anything special happen this week?"

David looks around, as if begging to be pulled out by a giant scary monster, just to not have to talk to this woman. "No, nothing special."

"Fine, then, tell me one thing you did this week," Jane sighs, annoyed. She gets like this when we don't answer her as she wants us to. She should be used to it by now, though.

"I brushed my teeth. Fourteen times, to be exact," David snaps, going quiet. He goes over to the bookshelf, blindly picking a book, and heads back to his desk, pretending to be deeply into the upside down story.

"Amazing. Jaden, your turn. What did you do? I heard you fainted on the bus again." Jane is supposed to keep that type of information private, but she thinks that you share everything in this group.

"I also brushed my teeth, I guess. Probably less than fourteen times, though," I answer, earning a small chuckle from David and another boy in the back. 

The rest of the session goes like this, Jane pushing us to answer questions, us giving stupid remarks that get on her nerves. Filippa soon catches on and annoys the heck out of Jane. By the end, Jane storms out of the room, and everyone cracks up. I have decided I like Filippa. And I think everyone else in the group does too.

Author's Note

Hi! Don't let it get to you if I described any of that wrong, I haven't experienced group therapy. So if I did get anything wrong, please understand why. Thanks for reading!!!

-Anna <3 

Word Count: 700

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