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*Tay's P.O.V* 

"What?" I said, looking down at her hand. 

"I- um, nothing. Nevermind." She said while hesitantly removing her grip from my arm. I nodded and grabbed hayley's arm and dragged her next to me. 

"We'll just be a minute." I smiled and walked out quickly. I could tell lily was behind me because she kept whipser/yelling my name. 

"Taylor jardine you-" I interrupted lily and yelled at hayley

"Hayley fucking williams please don't tell me she's another ex?!" I yelled. 

"Uh, no she's not?" She said. 

"She is isn't she?!" I shouted.

"Well, uh, you kinda told me not to tell you that she is so um..she isn't?" She said hesitantly. 

"Hayley." I said seriously.

"Fine, she is." She sighed. 

"How many girls have you dated before me?! Why did you never tell me?!" I yelled louder.

"Tay, we've already gone over this-"

"Hayley, how many girls?" I said angrily. 

"6.." She mumbled. 

"What the fuck." Lily said. 

"What were their names?" I said impatiently.

"Um, well...jenna, lynn, taylor momsen, phoenix and mercedes arn-horn, ariel, katy jackson, and sierra kay. Wait..that's 8. Yeah, 8." She said. 

"Have you dated any guys?!" Lily said. 

"Um, taylor york...I guess, jesse james, alex turner, tyler joseph, yeah I think that's it." She said. 

"So you've dated twelve people?" Lily said. I just stood there, astonished. 

"Yep. Well, 13 counting tay. But we're still dating." She said. 

"I am not going through this again. If lynn fucks with me or you I will bash her face in." I said.

"Whoa there. I'm not gonna do anything, don't worry. I'm just really happy to see hayley 'cause I haven't seen her in a long time." Lynn said. 

"Cat fight?" Alex appeared with jack behind him. Lynn giggled and slapped alex's arm playfully. Jack's eyes darted to her hand and I could tell he felt uneasy. 

"You're so funny!" She said. Alex grinned like a child. 

"Alright, so uh, we should get going." Lily said. 

"Oh, do you play in tay's band?" Lynn said. 

What did this have to do with getting the fuck away from her. 


Get out.




Can you fuck off thanks. 

"Oh? Then who do you play with?" Lynn said. 

Lily looked really pissed and about to snap, I wouldn't blame her. Lynn is being an annoying little fuck, flirting with alex, purposely making us late for our next show.

"Why don't you mind your own fucking business you annoying little shit." Lily snapped. For a split second lynn was about to answer angrily by the looks of it but she instantly looked like she was hurt. She looked really hurt and she sighed as lily walked to the bus. 

"I'm sorry, she's not usually like this I-" 

"No, it's fine hayley. I was bothering her." Lynn said. 

"No you weren't. You were just curious." Alex said, gently setting his hand on her arm giving her a reassuring smile.Yeah, my fucking ass. She just wanted to stay with alex longer. Jack squinted at them, he looked like he was boiling with jealousy. 

"I'm gonna go." Jack said emotionlessly. 

"Jack wait I-" 

"Yeah, i'm gonna go too." I said. 

"Alright love, i'll meet you in the bus." Hayley said and planted a kiss on my cheek and I made my way to the bus. Lily was on the couch, shoving oreos in her mouth and watching tv. She looked mad. 

"Hey there, you angry little cutie." I said and took an oreo. 

"Shut upppppp." Lily whined with a mouth full of oreos. 

"I don't like her either, so don't worry." I said. 

"Where's jacky?" I said while devouring the one oreo. 

"In hayley's bunk. Taylor and jeremy were here but they left." She said.

"Poor guy. Lynn is flirting with alex and he looked really mad." I said. 

"Fucking whore." Lily scoffed. 

I walked over to hayley's bunk and opened the curtain. Jack was facing the wall, so his back was facing me. 

"Hey bubby." I said, poking his back. 

"Tay?" Jack said in a shakey voice. 

"Yep. Bub number 2." I chuckled. 

"You wanna climb out our do you want me to climb in?" I asked. 

"Climb in" He pouted. I sighed and climbed into the small spot jack set for me. We were basically spooning right now, in a friendly way...if there is such thing as spooning with your best friend...well, there is now.

"What's up bub?" I said. 

"Alex." He sighed and wrapped his long arm around me. I was really short so my face was kinda burried in his chest. I looked up at him, his face was tear stained. 

"What happened with alex." I asked. 

"Lynn is flirting with him and he's just letting her flirt. It bothers me. It's like he knows and he's kinda flirting too." He said. 

"Hey bubby, it's okay. You're gonna be okay. I'm gonna be okay. We're all gonna be okay. To be honest, I don't like her either. But, we'll have to live with it for now. I'll try to pry her dirty flirty hands off alex and it'll all be good." I said, hugging him tightly. 

"Thanks bub." Jack said and kissed the top of my head. 

"You guys call each other bub way too much." Lily said. 

"You guys look so cute!" Lily cheered. 

"Yeah, not gonna happen lily. Jack and I are besties. Bubbies. Partners in crime. The cool guys. Bad cop good cop. Batman and robin, superman and-" 

"Okay, I think I get it." She giggled. 

Jack and I jumped out of the bunk and headed to the kitchen for the food alex had brought. I cleaned jack's tears from his face with my hand quickly. He smiled and hugged me again. 

"You're the best." He said. 

I grinned and pulled away. I grabbed the bag of food and started heating it up.

"I know." I said and stuck my tongue out.

(A/N) : yOyoyoyoyooyooyoyOoyoyoyo. How goes it. How it be. What's goin' down. How are you guys? 

I couldn't find a title for this so the title is TITLETITLE SOME TITLE,COOL TITLES YES. 

I am sorry for the lack of updates. 



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