good morning gorgeous - stiles stilinski (tw)

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i wake up slightly as i feel stiles' arms shift around my waist. i was holding him but he moved so the two of us were facing each other. "y/n" he whispers "are you awake?" my eyes flutter open to see him admiring me.

"no" i whisper back and pull the blankets of his bed over my head, fully covering the two of us.

"okay good, i'm not either" he turns back away and i snuggle my head into his neck.

- ten minutes later -

i wake up again to a light knock on the door and sherrif stilinski came in, "stiles, y/n, it's time to get up"

"nooo dad, can't we just skip?" stiles whines.

"please mr. stilinski?" i peek from the blankets.

"y/n, how many times do i have to tell you? call me noah" he laughs at me.

"sorry, you got it noah" i smile at him. he's been a great role model for me this past year that stiles and i have been together. he's so chill about everything and he helps out with all of our werewolf drama. 

"no skipping though, get out of bed or i'll drag you by the legs" sherrif stilinski leaves, still laughing.

i start getting out of bed, i'm only wearing shorts and stiles' lacrosse t-shirts. i go to his dresser and take out a pair of sweatpants that i keep at his house. i set it on the bed and walk over to grab one of his plain sweatshirts from his closet. i take off the sweatshirt i'm wearing and slip off my shorts. i turn around to look at stiles who is staring at me. 

"good morning gorgeous" he grins at me. 

"good morning handsome" i say as i slip the sweatshirt on, it's just a white sweatshirt. then i put on a pair of black sweats.

"nooo take it back off" stiles laughs and gets out of bed. i smile at him and he wraps his arms around me. 

he kisses my neck gently before grabbing his own clothes from the closet. i quickly go to his bathroom to wash my face, put on mascara and grab my glasses. i go back into his room to see him pulling a flannel on. he turns around and sees me smiling at him

"ready?" he asks me. 

"ready" i say as he walks up to me and grabs my hand, "coffee on the way?" 

"oh yeah" he yawns and i laugh at him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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