You know I love you so

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A steady beeping sound dragged Bakugo from his sleep his eyes fluttering open. His vision was blurry he blinked a few times staring up at the ceiling, he could tell straight away he wasn't in his room at the dorms everything appeared different.

He started to sit up slightly wincing at the pain he felt in his abdomen his hand lifting up to slide across the bandages before making their way up to his face, he quickly began removing the oxygen mask wincing at every little movement that stretched his bruised and wrecked muscles.

"Ouch" Bakugo spoke softly lifting his head he saw 4 of his classmates staring at him with relief on their faces.

"Oh my god you're awake!" Mineta screeched as they all moved forward crowding around his bed.

"Shut up Mineta! Where am I?!"

"Oh good he's still pissed off so that means he's his usual self!" Sero grinned but his eyes betrayed him they were red and puffy from crying.

"Don't use that as an evaluation standard!" Bakugo snapped at him with no absolutely no bite behind it. The truth was Bakugo didn't expect to wake up, he believed he was going to die on that battle field and he had come to peace with that, he had no regrets.

"I'm going to get a nurse!"

Mineta was hugging his neck wailing about how he was grateful he had survived, Bakugo shoved his hand onto Mineta face and pushed him away gently staring at Sato, Sero and Hagurke.

"What happened to everyone?" Bakugo eyed the others their faces looking at the floor eyes becoming wet with tears then mouths turning downwards "Deku?, Todoroki? Sensei? Senpai? Endeavour?"

"Well, they're okay, well okay might be a strong word but they're recovering. Everyone was injured badly but they all seem to be okay." Sero fumbled through the conversation unsure of what to say, physically they would recover but mentally Sero wasn't sure how they would all pull through.

"Well except for.."

"Shut up Mineta"

"But he..."

"Sero don't you think?"

"No Satou"

"Would one of you extras just tell me what is going on already?" Bakugo snapped he scrunched his face in annoyance watching them glare at each other.

"Listen Bakugo, we know how you feel about Midoriya so please don't be an ass about this okay?" Hagakure spoke "Midoriya is the only one who hasn't shown signs of waking up."

"You don't know shit" Bakugo faltered his eyes widening as he took in the information the others watching him carefully. "You don't know shit about Deku and I"

With that Bakugo lunged forward jumping out of bed the wound in his side protesting he could feel something warm and wet slip down his side as he limped towards the door to his room.

"Bakugo stop!" Satou yelled out grabbing onto the back of his hospital clothes trying to wrench him back in the direction of his hospital bed but Bakugo while sick was still strong and was pulling steadily pulling Sato and Mineta who had also grabbed on to try and stop him from leaving.

"You're going to kill yourself bakugo! Get back in bed!"

"You wrenching me around is going to kill me!"

"Seriously stop!"

"I need to see him!"


"Because I love him damnit!" Bakugo screeched suddenly stopping causing Sato and Mineta to stumble and let go so they wouldn't fall over "You guys don't understand! Where is he?"

"Room 238"


Bakugo had Midoriya pinned to the ground winning round 2 of their afternoon training session.

"Is that all you've got nerd?" Bakugo smirked he listened to Deku groan his face pushed again the training mat his arm twisted into his lower back while Kacchan straddled his lower legs.

"Alright alright you win! Can you get off now?" Deku asked huffing childishly rolling onto his back once Kacchan rolled off sitting up next to him.

"You seem to have some sick kink about pinning me down" Deku groaned as he sat up resting his head on his knees his back muscles protesting at the movement.

"You seem to have some sick kink about being pinned down by me" Bakugo retorted smirking as he watched the a red blush spread from the nerds neck all the way up to the tips of his ears.

"Maybe I do? What are you going to do about it?" Deku responded tauntingly Bakugos eyes going wide.

Before Bakugo could respond he could feel soft lips touch his but as soon as they had come they were gone.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry Kacchan I didn't, you know it's just ? I don't know" Deku looked away his hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt "Maybe I should just go?"

As Deku moved to stand up Kacchan grabbed his wrist hauling him into his lap before two lips were roughly planted again his own again this time both of them leaned in.

"Don't go"

"Okay I won't, but I just want you to know that I love you, you don't have to say anything back but I feel like something big is about to happen and I need to know that if something happens to me I won't have any regrets." Deku spoke softly his head laying cuddled up into Bakugos neck he could feel Bakugo stiffen underneath him.

"Nothing is going to happen to you because I will be there, but I yeah, I love you too"

End flashback

Bakugo had failed, he had failed to keep him safe. He hadn't kept his promise but he needed to see him. He needed to see him now, he needed him like he was oxygen, he couldn't breathe until he saw him.

Bakugos breathing sped up as he readied himself to run, before the others could stop him again he turned rushing forward, turning the knob and sprinting down the hallway. He ignored the calls of his classmates as they stumbled after him and as he ran he could feel something trickling down his side and dripping onto the floor but he couldn't bring himself to care.

The pain in his chest was suffocating him he needed to be closer. He winced as he stumbled his hands flying out infront of him sliding along the hospital floor as he tried to regain some balance, he groaned as he heaved himself up again his hand holding onto the rail that was along the wall the pain in his wound crying for him to stop moving but he ignored it needing to see Deku.

As he ran he heard more footsteps joining him but he didn't turn back to see what was happening. As he barreled into the room his vision began to blur the room becoming out of focus as if it was turning from side to side.

"Young Bakugo! What are you doing out of bed?" All might stood from Midoriyas bed side his eyes widening with concern as he noted the blood trail that was on the floor and the obvious red patch that was stained on Bakugos shirt "My boy, you're bleeding! You need to go back to your room!"

"Deku.." Bakugo whispered one arm outstretched while the other clutched his wound his vision becoming black around the edges the pain and blood loss beginning to take hold. "You idiot! If you die I'll kill you"

Before he blacked out and slid to the floor his hand gently reached out resting on Dekus chest feeling the slow rise and fall of his breathing a small smile spreading across his face.

"You know I love you so"

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