Can you believe the audacity of him?!

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" Yumi-ssi is it true you're engaged to Eun Hyun-woo?" Dayoung asked
" W-what? Why would you think that?" Yumi asked
" My Eomma told my daddy that Hyun-woo's dad's company was going down hill and that you're parents agreed that if something would have ever happened to their companies their children would have to get married to fix the situation." Dayoung said
" You're Eomma is wrong Myung Dayoung." Yumi said
" Aissh Moon Yu-Mi just admitted you are so excited that you get to marry Hyun-woo! Your crush of over 10 years!" Dayoung yelled making the whole class staring at them.

" Yah Myung Dayoung! Shut up!" Yumi yelled
" Aye I'm sorry... it's just you could be dating one of the G5! The hottest guys in school! Can you imagine?" Dayoung asked walking side by side in the hallways.
" I would never marry Eun Hyun-woo! Never he's such a jerk!" Yumi yelled
" That's only because you know he'll never except your feelings." Dayoung said
" That hurt! Plus he couldn't careless about me." She said
" Doesn't he have to take you and visit you at the hospital and practice everyday?" Dayoung asked
" He doesn't even do that..." She whispered softly
" Don't do what?"
Both girls turned around to see 5 handsome tall men standing in front of them, Yumi made eye contact with Jason and Hyun-woo before looking at the floor.
" Omo Sul-young! Have you eaten yet?" Dayoung asked
" Yah Moon Yu-Mi answer him!" Hyun-woo yelled
" Yeah Moon Yu-Mi answer him." Seu-Rong mocked making the others laugh but Jason.
" Don't talk to her like that." Jason said
" Oh don't tell me Jason has a crush on Hyun-woo's fiancé? Ooo Choi Taehyung has a crush on Hyun-woo's fiancé!" Young-bae yelled making the other guys snicker at the two.
" Moon Yu-Mi we need to talk." Hyun-woo said coldly leaving the group, Yu-Mi nodded following after Hyun-woo. Jason followed after them being stopped by a bunch of his fan girls.

Hyun-woo opened the door to a random empty classroom, Yu-Mi entered knowing what was going to happen.
" Did you tell people about our engagement?" Hyun-woo asked angrily
" E-engagement? Hyun-woo I don't know-"
" STOP PRETENDING THAT YOU DIDN'T TELL THE WHOLE SCHOOL THAT ME AND YOU ARE ENGAGED!" Hyun-woo yelled scaring Yu-Mi making her take a step back hitting the wall. She looked at the bracelet on her wrist seeing her heart beat growing increasingly fast.
" Hyun-woo please..." She whispered
" What?! When are you going to stop liking me?!" He yelled
" I didn't even know that we were engaged... until now I swear." She said
" Stop bullshitting me! You do whatever you want to do! But I am not going to ever marry a sick girl like you!" He yelled slamming his fist against the wall making her flinch, the heart monitor beeped quickly as Yumi fell to the floor her hand clenching the shirt of her uniform.
" Moon Yu-Mi!" Jason yelled running over to his best friend pushing Hyun-woo aside picking up the small girl and rushing twords the infirmary.
" Eun Hyun-woo! She isn't your fiancé! I am!" Soo-young yelled pushing the tall boy against the wall giving him a glare while walking out of the classroom.

" Moon Yu-Mi!" Hanbin yelled running into her room, Yu-Mi rolled out of bed falling on the floor. She heard the door open to see her older brother looking around for her.
" Down here..." She groaned
" Oh there you are! Get up and change grandmother and grandfather are coming over for dinner!" Hanbin yelled
" Oh why?! They're just going to ask me how I'm feeling!" She yelled getting up from the floor, Hanbin laughed and shook his head at his little sister.
" Come on! Just put on something nice! And come down stairs Mother wants to talk to you and Victoria about something." Hanbin mumbled
" Fine...get out of my room." She mumbled

Yumi picked out a random outfit and fixed her hair, she bowed at all the people who were in the hallway of her bedroom door. Making her way downstairs she saw her older sister walk into the huge library. She bowed at the two men who opened the door for her, her eyes widen seeing who were inside. Eun Hyun-woo, Eun Hye-Ji, Eun Yoo-Ho and Eun Yeji.
" Oh Luna! You made it!" Her father said
" Annyeonghaseyo..." She whispered softly sitting down next to her sister.
" Oh Yumi-ssi are you feeling better?" Yeji asked
" Ne...eomeoni." She said
" Aigoo Kwan-ah she is raised so well! Unlike my Hyun-woo." Yeji said
" Eomma-"
" Thank you Yeji." Her mother said

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