what happend (part one of book 2)

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"Your leaving?"
The team was surprised and took back at the words that sakusa just said.
Its had been a couple of months sence the thing with atsumu happened. Sence then atsumu had been dating around and playing girls like they were a video game, once they got boring he just played another

Astumu's relationship status at the moment was a girl from his old high school, she went to a different college then them but atsumu and her made it work. Atsumu and the girl Ayaka had been friends sence middle school a couple months back Ayaka confessed to atsumu after one of his games.
Sakusa gave up on trying to interacted with atsumu because after the thing happened atsumu ignored sakusa. Sakusa barely even talked to anyone anymore the team knew something was up between the two.
Sakusa was by the doors of the gym he had his bag full of his stuff, "I'm leaving the volleyball club" he said looking at the guys in front of
Bokuto looked blankly at him "your joking right?" He said nervously and laughed a bit.
Sakusa just shook his head and threw the ball that he had in his hand to bokuto. Hinata was trying to stop sakusa as he left the gym but gave up soon after.
Atsumu wasnt at practice he was on a date with his girl. Atsumu was still denying the fact that he didn't have any sexual feelings or attraction to girls.
After the date was done he rushed to the gym, no one was practicing though. He rushed to bokuto the first person he saw "are you guys taking a break?" He asked.
"Sakusa quit the team" bokuto said in a quite voice looking down at the volleyball he was holding.
Atsumu was surprised he didn't really believe it because he knew that sakusa really liked volleyball and would never quit, "what happened?"
I'm back :)) I'm also speedy to. I waited to long on this I know it's short but it's like 3AM right now and I need some what of sleep so, there you go. Thank you for reading 😁💖 Follow my tiktok!! unknown_rawr436 goal 400 followers :)

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