Chapter five

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There was another party at the Gryffindor tower and this time Lily was dragging Remus along to it. Remus thought it was pure torture. He hated parties and especially the big ones. Lily had told him that there wouldn't be many people there, but Remus had a sneaking suspicion that she was lying. Still, he agreed to her because she was getting on his last nerves and he had had enough with her. He planned to go there, get away from Lily, and sit in the corner reading a book. A perfect plan right, no one would find him there and even if anyone did, they'd just leave. That was how people treated him and he wasn't complaining. he loved being alone without all those people who he didn't really understand. It was better this way. Lily was talking all the way to this party which was supposedly happening in the Gryffindor tower but Lily took him out of the common room. He was getting more and more suspicious as the minutes ticked by and he finally asked, " uhh Lils where are we going? I mean the party was in the tower right?"

"well uhhh no it isn't," Lily said

"ok spit it out where are we going?"

"so well it isn't a 'party' party but it is a party"

"just say it"

"ok well it is an after-quidditch party and it is only the team exclusive thingy but James told me to come along and Sirius overheard us and practically begged to bring you along and I couldn't say no because you know that I like James and he told me that it would be tons of fun and that the whole team had gotten a bring along so like I could be Jame's bring along and you could be Sirius's and then he told me that he wanted to tell me something that's why he invited me so I kinda had to say yes because you know how it always triggers my 'curious' nerve I'm sorry for trying to trick you," Lily said sheepishly

Remus chuckled and said "oh it's ok as long as you tell me what he told you"

"I will, does that mean we can go?"

"yeah, ofc we're going !! I won't want you to miss a bloody chance to take that bastard down a few pegs"

" I promise you, it will be epic"

"Ok as long as you are right beside me I guess"

"Yes right beside you bestie, right beside you"

Remus knew that when Lily promised 'right beside' she meant to disappear the minute they reached their destination with James and he'd have to be alone with that sorry excuse of a human Sirius Black. actually, he wasn't that bad, he just somehow got on Remus's last nerve and that was saying when usually Remus was very calm. Even tho Remus had fun with that guy, there was something about him that he wanted to get away from. But Remus decided to push away his paranoia and enjoy one evening at a hell of a party. What he predicted came true and lily vanished at the first sight of James, who was with Sirius. Remus grumbled something unintelligent and made his way to the drinks table. He was pouring himself some when he felt someone behind him. He turned around to see Sirius black there.

"Well well well," Sirius said, "I never know how lily manages to drag you and make you do her bidding."

"I don't do her bidding and why don't you ask her yourself?"

"oh, c'mon Lily is scary and scary not good. so I thought I'd ask you instead"

"ha scared of Lily wow there is nothing to be scared of"

"you may think so, but I think that she is very scary. you should see that gal shout at James."

"that is true, James manages to get Lily a special type of angry. how he does it is a mystery"

"yes exactly, wanna dance tho?"

"you SIRIUS BLACK, are asking me to dance? what have I done to receive such great honor?"

"why you, my kind sir caught my eyes"

Remus burst out laughing.

"My god you are so cheesy," he said

"c'mon I know you wanna dance" Sirius replied winking.

"oh yes you so know me" Remus deadpanned

"you hurt me, kind sir, it can only be cured by a dance, or I will die"

"then I reckon you should die"

"you can't mean that oh kind sir"

"ugh lets dance already then you can shut up"

"certainly sir"

"you are terrible" Remus muttered.

they made their way to the dance floor as the music changed. the DJ suddenly started playing a slow one. "well that's new" Sirius said

"you mean this doesn't happen at every after-party?" Remus asked

"no, not really, I think someone requested it."

He motioned to where the DJ was and saw James coming down.

"oh well we do know who that is"

"right, we sure do," Remus said and started walking back to the drink stand

"wait where are you going?"

"uhh back to the stand, did you expect me to dance to this with you?"

"well you did promise me one dance never said which kind of dance"

"I did promise one dance, oh well ok why not."

They danced for some time until the song changed and Lily and James came to them. They danced the night away together until they were too exhausted to move and made their way to the common room where they flung themselves on the cozy chairs there and slept for the night. The last thing Remus remembered was giving the fat lady the password before he passed out.

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