Chapter two

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Sirius whipped his wand out and muttered, "technetium flinch" a screen popped up. It was the map of Hogwarts with a very little flinch visible in the Slytherin common room. "clever ain't it?" Sirius asked "I and prongs came up with it to make sure we didn't get caught works like a charm"

"prongs..? who is that?"

"oh right you don't know prongs is James- James potter you know the seeker of the Gryffindor the tall lanky black messy hair arrogant af bastard my best mate the one over whom all girls fawn-"

"oh shut up I know who James Potter is, who doesn't?"

"oh so you know who James is but you didn't know the infamous Sirius black? you wound me Remus love"

"ok one) I'm glad that I wound you two) will you or will you not help me or shall I figure it out on my own three) enough with the endearments I'm not your 'love' thank you very much" Remus snapped

"sheesh babe calm down ofc I'll help you don't have such a temper it really doesn't suit your pretty little face sweetheart"

"Can you please stop with the sweet words they make me uncomfortable please," Remus said under his breath

"oh I'm so sorry Remus I'll stop I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable"

"thank you"

"with that being done and said let's get-a-cracking. Ok so right now flinch is still at the Slytherin common room so it gives us enough time to run to the dorms if we create somewhat of a disturbance in the potions classroom that should keep him busy enough and we can run to the Gryffindor common room. I know you are a fast runner I saw you running here but tell me can you run to the dorms in around 2 mins? that's all we would have before flinch realizes what's wrong"

"yes I can run"

"great then we have a plan when I say open the door, you throw it open and run ok?"


"ok in and run" Sirius shouted

Remus threw open the door and sprinted for his life Sirius right behind him. he heard a huge explosion coming from the direction of the potions classroom and knew that it was the distraction created by Sirius. he was almost at the fat lady's portrait when he saw flinch standing in front of it pure hatred in those eyes and a small smirk on his face. Sirius skidded to a halt beside him and saw flinch's kinda scary face.

"what- how-" Remus said

"finally caught you damned boys thought you could trick me huh? Not feeling so smart anymore are you, treats you right. now if you both would follow me to my office to make sure you get what you deserve"

Remus and Sirius followed flinch into his office when he said "have a seat professor McGonagall will be joining us shortly don't worry"

prof McGonagall came in at that moment and said "who is it this time argus?"

"these boys right here professor"

"oh, Remus I see you have gotten involved with Mr black how did that happen? I expected better from you oh well"

"oh cmon mam don't be like that" Sirius whined

"Mr black I have forewarned you multiple time I am not your mam thank you very much kindly refer to me as professor Mcgonagall"

"oh loosen up Minnie love you know you love me

"ok, that is enough you both will have 2 weeks of detention with me and 3 days with Mr flinch because of the ruckus you made in the potions classroom it is completely destroyed all the important ingredients lost not to mention the tons of gum in the great hall. I would also be informing your parents about this behavior and no not Mr. and Mrs black I'd be telling Mr. and Mrs. Potter this is intolerable. Be on time for your detentions. You both are dismissed you may go"

"yes, ma'am" they muttered and left for the dorms. lily was pacing inside. Remus went in and lily exclaimed "oh Remus where were you? are you alright? I'm so sorry I roped you into this all because of that stupid James and his stupid challenge I'm so sorry"

"I'm ok calm down I was with Sirius. we got caught tho and now I have around 17 days of detention." Remus said

"I'm really sorry Remus I never knew this would happen"

"its ok lils I'm fine. I just need some rest I think I'll sleep yeah I'm going to take a nap"

"eat something before you sleep I'll bring you something go lie down"

"Thanks, lils"

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