Uraraka x female reader Blind until love

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I always find it difficult to make it around my daily life I mean people are always looking out for me because I'm blind but to be completely honest I hate this soulmate thing it's stupid and the fact that it's the reason I can't become a hero makes it even worst.... "*sigh* I guess I should stop sulking and get up" I peeled myself of my bed and approached the only thing I could be excited about each day "*sniffs* ah breakfast" although I couldn't see my meal I knew it was great just by smelling it.

"morning Y/N how was your sleep," my mum greeted me when I walked in but I took no notice of her I just wanted to eat.

"Y/N did you hear me learn some manners-," mum tried to lecture me but I wasn't in the mood "can you pass me the maple syrup" I reached my hand out although not sure if I was actually pointing it at my mum or not "*sigh* please Y/N can we just have a conversation for once" Mum continued talking but I moved my hand asking her to just hand the maple syrup, after that she gave in to my rude act and handed me the bottle of delicious syrup.

After breakfast I continued on to my daily routine which included of two things getting dressed and leaving the house.

Whenever I left I worried my mum I never had any sort of thing to help me if I was in danger but honestly I didn't care I mean what can I possibly loose.

I walked down the street to the café I'd usually visit everyday I never really ordered anything I'd just chat with the Employees but today was kinda different I'd heard that two students from U.A were with a hero and they had to go to this huge crime scene although only being students "U.A's so careless how are they supposed to become future hero's if they can't look after themselves first" my thoughts frustrated me since I know I shouldn't be worried about them there perfectly capable, but then again what if someone got seriously hurt even worst killed that would ruin all hero's reputations.

I shook my head aggressively this was no time for having these thoughts I just needed to relax there's nothing I can do about it so there's no point thinking about it.

I decided to get up and go for a walk sitting down just made me overthink and I needed fresh air and atleast a bit of silence.

I walked down what I could make out as a sidewalk I would stumble every few steps and try to reassure myself that I was going the right way.

As I walked some more I used a wall as a way of guiding myself but I just ended up leading myself further into the city.

I could feel people's eyes all over me yet no one asked me if they could help I was feeling lost and miserable but all I knew was to keep following the wall until I found something or someone to help.

I started loosing hope normally someone would have said something by now.

I heard a loud crash infront of me it sounded close so I flinched and stepped back I couldn't see but even a blind person like me could tell a sound like that wasn't good.

I turned around and started heading back the way I came but the more I walked the louder the noises became I gulped and picked up my pace. I kept falling and I knew the sounds weren't getting any further away and what I heard was just getting worst and worst I heard screams, even more crashing noises but I was left stranded in the city defenceless

stood there stuck in place terrified about whatever was causing everyone so much destress.

"ARE YOU OK!!" I heard a yell I didn't know where it was coming from but I still looked up to show whoever it was that I heard them.

"Please move this area isn't safe" honestly I didn't know how stupid this person was but by now it would seem quite clear that atleast something wasn't right.

I moved my head around trying to make it more obvious that something wasn't right, but somehow I saw a flash of colour approach me.

"Is something wrong??" a person put there hand on my shoulder and when I moved my head around to were the voice came from my heart started beating.

"I need to get you out of her-" I stopped her mid-sentence "I can see you!" My eyes lit up now it was completely obvious that she was my soulmate.

"Did you hit your head?? You no what that doesn't matter I'll get you to safety ok??" With out a signal she floated both me and herself in the air and took us away from the crime scene then let me down.

"So what do you need to talk about?" She looked at me obviously oblivious of the fact I was blind.

"I'm completely blind" I waved my hand over my face.

"Oops I'm sorry I didn't notice" she gave me a apologetic smile although I think she forgot what I told her.

"*sigh* it's fine" I didn't have the confidence to say anymore this was to sudden for me I mean my soulmate is a hero or a hero in training.

"I'm sorry but I need to go back" she bowed down apologising while I just stood there everything was going to fast

"Wait-" before I could say anything she left forgetting that she basically took me out to nowhere and left me alone.

"*sigh* this will be a long trip" I murmured to myself and started walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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