Chapter 1:Junker

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It is warm.Bright beams of sunlight spill into the kitchen,onto my mother and I sitting at the table.She is reading a book,I am drawing.My hands are covered in various colors of pastel.I have tried to rub them off,but only suceeded in making a big muddled smudge on my fingers,wrist and palm.I keep my hand up as not to mark my drawing-in-progress of a lake,as I add a bit more blue here and there.I hear my sister, Livvy,giggle from outside."Kera,would you go and get Livvy?She has to eat dinner."my mother says,not looking up from her book.I sigh and get out of my chair,making it squeak in the process.I turn the doorknob and step into the doorframe.A breeze tosses my curly brown hair.Livvy is sitting on the step.

And the biggest dog I have ever seen is laying next to her."Livvy!"I shout,and rush forward to grab her. My hands grasp her shoulders and I pull her close."Mom!"I say,and turn my head.She is not in the kitchen.She must have gone upstairs.I look back at the dog.A Great Dane.Jet black from from head to tail.It's paws are as big as small plates.It's ears or straight up and so long they droop at the tips."Doggie!" Livvy says,trying to wriggle out of my grasp.I hold her a little tighter."He's nice,not mean!"she reaches torward the dog,and he leans forward and sniffs her hand.His tail moves.It's like a thick black rope.I look at the dog's face.It's eyes are a warm cinnamon brown.'Hello.What are you doing?'it seems to say.

I loosen my grip a little on Livvy.She skips forward and wraps her arms around the dog's neck,her face pressed into it's chest.It doesn't mind,and nuzzles her hair."Where...where did you find him?"I say slowly,offering my hand to the dog.It sniffs,then leans forward and licks my cheek.I giggle and rub it's head,now unafraid."He was walking down the street.I called to him,and he came.It's like he's mine already!"Livvy raises her head.I feel a pang in my chest,realizing Livvy's intended to keep the dog."Livvy..."I start,and she looks at me.Her emerald green eyes are bright and shining with joy.She smiles,revealing a gap-toothed grin.I purse my lips,"Nothing".I couldn't do it.She was so happy.

"Aren't Junker's ears funny?"Livvy asks.She is holding one of them in her fist."Junker?"I say, confused."Yeah.That's what I named him."she replies."Why?"I wrinkle my nose.I thought Livvy would name the dog something childish,like 'Doggie' or 'Buddy',to be honest."Well,he had a tire around his neck.He must have come from the junk yard."she points to something in the grass.I squint,and see a large tire.I shrug,"That makes sense,I guess".Then Livvy touches one of Junker's paws."He's muddy!"she frowns,"I'll give him a bath".She stands up and steps into the doorframe,turning to look at Junker."Come on!"she says to him,and he gets up and follows her into the house."What?Hey,no!"I scramble to my feet and jump into the kitchen.Livvy is going up the stairs.Junker is just behind her.A trail of muddy pawprints leads from the door to him.I groan,"No,Livvy!Look what Junker did!".They both turn to look at me.Junker looks guilty,with his head lowered,ears back,and sad eyes.But Livvy seems oblivious to the mess."So?"she says,and leaps upstairs.Junker bounds after her.

I sigh and follow them.Once I get down the hall into the bathroom,Livvy has already turned the shower on.She is trying to coax Junker into the bath."Come on,boy!"she says,and pats the side of the bathtub,"Nice warm water.It'll feel good,I promise!".Junker is backed against the cabinets.His tail is between his legs.He looks terrified.I shake my head,throwing up my hands.I may as well help.I shove his rear end torwards the bathtub.His paws scrabble on the tile."That's it!"Livvy gets in front of me, pushing on Junker's shoulders.Together,we manage to get this huge dog into the tub.He leans against the wall.The water sprays onto his back and drips down his ribs.He is too big to fully avoid it. Livvy grabs a bottle of shampoo and starts pouring it onto Junker's back."Careful,Livvy!"I say,and grab the bottle out of her hands.She has drained half of it.When I scowl at her and set the bottle at the edge of the tub,she starts scrubbing Junker's back and side,making them soapy.The dog does not object to this,just keeps leaning against the wall with his muzzle pressed to the tile.

Within a minute,Junker looks like a pink bubbly poodle.I laugh at this,"Oh,poor Junker!".He is biting at the bubbles on his shoulder.Livvy smiles.I hold the handheld sprayer above Junker's back and we watch the bubbles slide off.His fur is shiny and wet.Livvy kisses his cheek.I see his tail wag in a strained way and he licks her chin.I take a fluffy towel from the closet and wrap it around his shoulders.But before I can dry him,Junker leaps from the tub,his legs clearing it's edge by a good five inches.Livvy claps."Go,Junker!"she laughes.Junker shakes,his fur sending cascades of water in every direction.I am nearly soaked,and so is Livvy.I smile.Then,we hear a noise.A squeaking.Footsteps thudding.I look at Livvy.She looks at me,shocked."Mom!"we say in unison.

A/N Ok,so that is it.If you want me to write an ending to it,I will.Just message me.Keep calm and keep writing,my fellow authors! You will be legends one day.

Love you guys! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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