Chapter 1.

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Evangeline's POV

"Hey and welcome to 'the spark' sir. May I take your order?" I asked as politely as I could. I looked at the man who looked like he was a wealthy person.

I can't belive that I'm 19 years old and have already asked this question more then someone who's been working here for 10 years...

"Hey, sweetie. Yes, please. I would like 32 and 16." He said in a confident tone while looking at me from top to toe.

"Y-yes s-sir." I said my voice shaky.

Why does he have to look at me like that? Javier will kill me.

"Your order will be served soon sir" I said and with that I turned around to go and say the order. But before I could to that the guy with blond hair and big blue eyes grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"Why in a hurry,sweetie? Why don't join?" He said with a smirk. Disgusting.

"I-Im sorry S-sir but I have a Boyfriend," I said in a whisper. But enough for him to hear,as he let go off of my wrist.

(2 hours later)

Finally my pass has come to an end! It's now 18:25 and I can go home...

home,that's a funny word to me. I've never really felt like home. I mean I do have a Boyfriend but he's not really my home. Not anymore...I do wish he was,but the future held other plans for us though.

I got home from walking a 30 minutes long walk. Javier was drunk as usual when I came home. I closed the door as quietly as I could. Trying not to make a sound for him to hear me...

"Evangeline?" Javier said. Slurring out of his mouth.


"Where were you?"

Please no today...

"I-I was a-at work. Where else?" I said as I saw Javier come out from the kitchen with a vodka bottle half full in his hand.

"Well, why did it take you so long to come home? Are you fucking with someone?"

This will not end well.

"I see. You can fuck somebody else but you can't fuck with me? You'll let some other guy put their cock in your little virgin pussy,but me who's been together with you for almost 2 years can't?!" He said as he walked closer to me.

"N-no Jav-Javier. I've never had sex with anyone. And you know it!" I hissed back. Trying to be strong.


I fell to the ground with glass all over my head. With a big thud.

Please god. Let someone hear. Please!

I began to feel dizzy as a pair of strong hands grabbed my feet. Dragging me into the apartment

"NOO!!!! PLEASE STOP!!!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. Leaving a curl-blooding scream echoing through the apartment.


And with that I was dozing away in the darkness. Feeling how my body gave up. How my body collapsed. From all that was happening right now. Please just let god save me. Please.

Sooo...that was the first chapter of "Until death do us apart" tell me what u

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