Author's Note

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Dear reader,

  Welcome back peeps for the season 2 of Her!!!

  I still can't believe that I managed to finish the first book up until now and I always somehow keep reminding myself that I need to finish the first book even when it's already done! Haha!

  Anyways, we're here now for the second book and I can't wait to kick start the second season!

I hope you are all ready for the biggest emotional rollercoaster of your Wattpad reader life!!!

  Remember to comment, vote and share!!! And thank you guys for all of your support on the first book!!! Thank you all so so so so much!!!

  Please follow my Instagram account for updates on this book, my other books and other random Fandom stuff!!!


  Remember to follow my Instagram account, that's the username up there!!!

  And please support me through the writing of this book too!!!

  I'll try my best to update better because Malaysia has already started school!!!

  Thank you and enjoy the story!!!

Hearts and hugs,

Anis the Unknown

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