(After Episode of power inside here. Wen turtles Went out and April was resting. As they saw that toka was coming. Their not the only one who had a adventure) * this means what is happining and..... means like seconds is happening..)
*April was resting in Donnies lab As a portal opens. April wakes up*.... April says What is that. Some kind of portal?. *walks near it*..... *April gets sucked throw the portal*.....*On a tooth top*... April says Where am I?.... Why is the City Destroyed..... What's...going on... *She jumping across Rooth tops*.............. *Donnie jumps out of no where And punched her with his stick. And April falls dawn*...... April says oww....*looks at him* Donnie!?.. Donnie says how do you know my name. Who are you! April Says I'm April. Dont you know?.. Donnie Says how do I know your the real April. April says Please. Donnie dont hurt me...ow. *And she puts her hand on her head*... *Donnie puts his stick away*.... Donnie says Are you ok?.. April says Yeah.. Is just from the Crystal.... But.. I dont understand. What's going on. Why is the city prity destroyed. And you in black...? Donnie Says is a long story... But..... I thought you were gone. April says what do you mean... *Donnie looks sad*... April says Where am I. What's going on. One second I'm in the lair. Then a portal opens. And I end up here... Donnie says Well... The city got Destroyed. By Shredder. Super Shredder. We.. weren't strong enough. And..... We lost you... How are you here. How are you back!. I....I cant believe it.. April says I dont k ow what your talking about. But. Ok....I...hmm... Donnie says well ckme with me. And Sorry for attacking you. April says is ok. Donnie.. *outside on the streets. The rest of the turtles....* April says wow... Raph says What.. April... Leo says that's... that's not possible.. we all saw her... her.. Die.. how! Donnie says I'm not really sure. Leo says and What about Shredder. What we gonna do about him and taken over the city. April says Wow. He tooken over the city! Raph says Yeah. For a month know... Leo says Have you thought of a new plan? April says wait what. Aren't you the leader... Raph says what! No.. Donnie is.. April says ok... then who's the Sience guy? Leo says Also Donnie... April says that..what.. Am I in a other dimension... Mikey says Probably. Luke if you dont know this much.. Donnie says hmmm... April says Anway. We need to find away to take Shredder dawn. Together. Raph says We tryed... 2 times. And lost. Is too hard. We even lost Casey.. April says Casey... Ok... what have you tryed? Raph says what do you mean what have we tryed. Like everything. Kick punch... Beat him up... is not that easy.. April says well. We cant lit him win... but as they say 3 times the charm. Donnie says that's a Saying. Isnt like we will win. April says Yes.. ok but we still need to try are best. We cant lit him do all this. And Continue!.. Donnie says ok. Yes. But. Theirs just nothing else we can do... You shouldn't be here. If you come from a other dimension then We should find a. April says No. Donnie. I want to help you all Take dawn Shredder. Before I find away to get home.. we cant give up. And keep living like this. Donnie says your still as sweet as always. April says what?! Donnie says I umm. Said. Is sweet of you to love me. I mean help us... April says Of course. But this time we need to be ready.. what he has. And prepare more from what you have learned from the other 2 times. Donnie says ok... *You know one of they things. Showing what's going on.. not really talking. But their talking and preparing and talking.....* April says you guys ready? Raph says Yeah! I'm ready to win! And take dawn Shredder!.. April says ok. Then let's go.
TMNT 2012 - To The Future of life
AdventureApril goes to the future. Much more Diffrent. Mutants can walk around. And April and Casey are died. the Future gets to see past April. for the last time. and She trys to get home. to her time.