Chapter 1- The meetup

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The chillness of outerspace

and Calmness...

Just how he liked to spend his breaks.

Error began to create another doll while grumbling about a certain stupid artist under his breath in his only favorite alternate universe...Outertale.

Error: DuMb...FricKen....pAinTer..aNd thOse DuMb...gLitcHs....GrrRrrRr

Recently, Ink has been really getting on Error's non-existent nerves. Completely ignoring the balance and making Aus just to piss the destroyer off. Not to mention he's hated by the entire multiverse and is only recognized by a group of complete psychopaths! For many years he's been labeled evil because of his job, and the only people...or skeletons that understand his work was his past self and some 90s nightmare. The three of them normally treated each other like brothers. However, these brothers have their owns things to do, and they barely visit each other. Geno was busy being in a love-hate relationship with Death himself, and Fresh was just being Fresh. So, in summary, Error was alone. Well...he did have the voices from the anti-void but they normally just tell him how much of a mistake he is. He also had the Bad Sanses, but he rather not be used to just cause negativity.

Speaking of negativity...he had a lot of it. Who wouldn't be mad about his job? He always has to listen to the begs and screams to not be erased...killing innocent glitches, because Ink can't put his paintbrush down. 

It hurts...and he hates it.

Meanwhile, another guardian was taking his normal patrols and even talking to others to lift up sour moods. He wasn't really appreciated for his job either, normally his job just being treated as if it was a non-important hobby. But this ball of positivity didn't care. He was just happy to help others....even if it leads to severe injuries caused by his brother's gang of supposed "bad" dudes and a few other dangerous individuals. Dream would just let the wounds heal and continue to work. Of course, with his job came many social interactions and friends. For example, a shy violet skeleton, a scientist, a skeleton that lives in the stars, a good friend with a very colorful personality, and a star who sees good in almost everyone. However, they also have their own lives and families to take care of. So again Dream was alone. But, he was fine with this. Normally he would just be too busy to play with his friends, anyway. 

Dream decided to take a small rest by a tree in an Overtale Au. His bones were aching from a fight the Star Sanses had with Nightmare's gang earlier. His brother easily able to tear him apart, but just left Dream with a few broken bones. Once the battle was over, Ink went back to his doodle sphere and Blueberry assisted Dream with helping the victims of the attack. After 30 minutes of helping, Blueberry got a call from his Papyrus/Carrot and left. It's been a few hours since the attack, and Dream was pretty exhausted.

As he was closing his eye sockets, his soul picked up a strong negative aura somewhere in the multiverse. He continued to focus on that single aura and found it was located in Outertale. Dream quickly stood up and used his magic to teleport to the source of such sad emotions.

Dream: Error?

Error: Go AwAy... *continues to work on the doll*

Dream: Are you okay?

Error: DoEs It LoOk LiKe I'm OkAy?

Dream: *looks down* No. Sorry for the dumb question. Silly me!

Error: WhY aRe yOu HeRe? JuSt tO aNnoY Me? Is ThIS aNoTheR sTupId ThInG InK PlaNneD?

Dream: Woah! Many questions for me to answer! Heh heh! Well first, I'm here because you seem to be really sad or angry about something. Sooooo...I want to help! Second Ink didn't put me up to anything. I have a feeling this might be from him...right?

Error: AnD wHy ShoUlD I TeLL YoU? YoU'Re FrIeNds wItH thE IdiOt.

Dream: Hey! Ink isn't an idiot. He tries his hardest every day to protect this multiverse!

Error: YeaH "ProTecT". It'S nOt LiKe hE wIll bE tHE ReAson thIS MulTVerSe DiEs...DefInaTely nOt.

Dream: uuuuuuhhhhh what?

Error: YoU're reAllY aRe StuPiD. WhaT dO yOu tHinK thaT dAmn ArtIst DoES EverYDay?

Dream: Paint?

Error: ExActLy paINt, AnD paInT, aNd PaInT, AnD PaiNt. He CreAtEs So MaNy Aus ThAt It StArTs To OvErFLow ThE MulTiVErSE.

Dream: Like a balloon?

Error: ......SuRe......

Dream: So your job is to let out the unnecessary air, that way the balloon doesn't pop!

Error: ThE MuLtIveRsE iS nOt A BallOoN....buT Yes...

Dream: That's So Cool! You're like a Super Hero!! Well, then Thank you for your service *sallutes*.....wait then that means...

Error: InK'S thE VillAin. NoT Me. He KeEps dIsRuPtiNg ThE BalENcE AnD I HaVE to Go oN CleANing duTy.

Dream: So you're more like a super janitor....that's still cool!

Error: .......sUre.......YoU'rE an IdioT.

Dream: Ummmmm okay? mentioned a balance. What kind of balance?

Error: ThE BalAnCe BEtweeN CreaTioN anD DestRuctIOn....duh

Dream: Oh. I thought Nightmare and I were the only ones with a balance. Hehe!

Error: YoU alsO havE a BalanCE? LeT mE GuEss poSitivITy and NeGaTivITY? 

Dream: Yep! You're really smart Error!

Error: No... YoU'rE JUst dUmB.

Dream: Maybe...but on the bright're aura seems to have calmed down a bit!

Error: GoOd. NoW yoU CaN leaVe...

Dream: Nope!

Error: wHaT? WhY?

Dream: Because something is still bothering you. Sure Ink may be a big part of it, but there's something more. You're not a bad person Error, and I want to help you. So pretty please with many cherries on top and caramel drizzle tell me what's wrong?

Error: ...........Do YoU goT chOcoLatE?........

Dream: Yes? *pulls out a chocolate bar*

Error: FinE bUt lEtS Go SoMeWherE PriVAtE.....

Dream: Okay?

You can be Better... (DreamError)  //CANCELLED//Where stories live. Discover now