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"Wanna play scrabble?"

Jungkook made a face, raising one eyebrow, in which Taehyung responded with a frown.

"Yeah, me neither," he replied with a sigh.

After several days of sunshine and relatively warmer temperatures, the winter weather had returned once more, trapping the two of them inside the bunker. At this point, several days of being locked inside had really done them in, and neither of them had any particular interest in doing anything. They'd exhausted all their options. Jungkook had tried reading this morning - they were almost finished Dr. Dolittle for the second time - but gave up after a few minutes. Taehyung had tried reading instead, for a change, but it didn't feel right, so they discarded the idea altogether. They tried board games, trivia, puzzles and other various activities but nothing could cure their boredom. They spent the afternoon sleeping, but now they were awake again, with nothing to do but wait out the snow.

Which is how they ended up on the couch, with Taehyung lying on top of the younger as he ran his fingers through his soft locks. Taehyung nuzzled his face against the side of his neck, and sighed contently, letting warm puffs of hair tickle Jungkook's skin. Every so often he would mouth gently at the base of his neck. The sensation was enough to calm Jungkook as he laid his head back. Maybe doing nothing was exactly what they needed. He was quite content to just sit here and let Taehyung pepper him with kisses.

There was no need to talk - they weren't quite sure what there would be to talk about - so Jungkook just laid there, with Taehyung occasionally kissing his neck every so often, or his cheek. At some point, the older got tired of kissing his neck and propped himself up so that he could kiss him on the lips, in a slow, and prolonged kiss that lasted maybe a little longer than it should have. Not that Jungkook was going to complain. His lips were warm and soft, as were his hands that slipped beneath his shirt and rested against his stomach. The action made his stomach do somersaults and maybe he gripped at Taehyung's hair a little harder than normal. But he easily settled back down as they fell into a good rhythm.

He'll never know what the cause of it really was - whether it was the way Taehyung's breathing would hitch in his throat when he tugged on his hair, or the way he would swear under his breath thinking that he couldn't hear him. Whatever it was, Jungkook found himself drawing the older closer, kissing him with a little more force. Jungkook wanted him - even if he didn't have the slightest idea about what he was doing. He had zero experience with sex, but he knew it was something you did with the person you loved, and well, Jungkook loved Taehyung...

He gasped loudly when Taehyung's hands slipped between their bodies to push apart his thighs so he could settle between them properly; wrapping the younger's legs around his waist and pressing himself against his lower half. The new position made Jungkook feel funny, but in a good way. The pressure of Taehyung's hips against his own, mixed with the soft moans that escaped from his boyfriend caused butterflies to erupt in his stomach. Taehyung continued to kiss him hungrily and when Jungkook pulled back to catch his breath, Taehyung ducked his head and began sucking on the side of his neck. Surprised by the action, Jungkook let out a startled moan.

Jungkook could put two and two together - he knew what sex was...kinda. he remembered having having an awkward conversation with his father once after he accidentally walked in on his parents, and he had collected over the years had intimate scenes, but he himself had zero experience. Taehyung, on the other hand, seemed to know exactly what he was doing. Jungkook was both aroused and frightened by that. On one hand, Taehyung had experienced and he didn't, meaning he was going to be terrible at this. But this also meant Taehyung would know exactly how to please him; how and where to touch him.

Jungkook's eyes nearly rolled all the way into the back of his head when Taehyung's hand found its way back between his thighs, palming him through his worn out sweats. The sensation of his hand pressed against him was a whole new ball park. He couldn't help the moans that escaped. He didn't know how to handle feeling this good.

But he didn't stop him. Whatever Taehyung was doing felt too good for him to want him to stop, but Jungkook didn't know how to handle it, and sooner or later he was stuttering out the older's name, his hand flying to his wrist to stop.

"T-Taehyungie," he breathed, eyes flying open. To his surprise, Taehyung immediately stopped, and pulled his hand away. He placed his hand beside Jungkook's head instead.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung murmured, scanning his features for any signs of discomfort, and relaxed when he couldn't find any.

"I'm okay," Jungkook panted, with a slight nod of the head. "I just...I um..."

"What?" Taehyung whispered.

Jungkook really didn't know how to respond to him. "I um..won't-"

"Last?" Taehyung questioned, raising an eyebrow. Jungkook could feel his cheeks turning beat red as he nodded. Whatever Taehyung was doing made him feel good - and he wanted it to last.

"I won't last," he mumbled, quietly. He felt almost embarrassed when Taehyung let out a light chuckle and kissed the tip of his nose.

"I don't expect you too, Jungkook, a lot of people don't their first time. Truth be told, I probably won't last that long either,"

This made him feel a little better, but he was still red in the face.

"Do you want me to stop?" Taehyung asked, brushing some of Jungkook's hair out of his face. "We don't have to do this if you're not ready yet, baby. I can wait,"

Jungkook shook his head, and brought his hands up, tugging on his shirt to bring him back down. "I want you," he mumbled again, much quieter. Was that the right thing to say? he wondered to himself. That's normally how things went in the books.

"Are you sure?" Taehyung asked, looking at him a little more seriously. "I don't want you to feel like you have to say yes Jungkook,"

"I'm sure," he whispered.

Taehyung's lips were back on his seconds later, hands slipping back under the fabric of his shirt. Each kiss and every touch felt searing hot against his skin, and oh, did he love it.

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trying to write smut in the point of view of someone who has zero idea of sex is hard

also this book went from wholesome to horny real quick

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