almost like I forgot..

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For the people that don't read my A/Ns I redid the first four chapters of this story and edited every chapter after that, I reccomend checking it out!!


they were like 14 when I first started the story I forgot to mention that.

// Normans Pov //

I woke up to a loud banging noise coming from my window. I groaned and walked over to my window. I noticed that rocks were being thrown at my window. I opened the window, only for a rock to hit my face.

"Ow!" I yelled

I looked down to see a smiling Emma, and a bunch of rocks in her hand.

"Morning!!" She said happily

"What are you doing here? And why are you throwing rocks at my window!?" I yelled/asked

"To wake you up duh, since you wanna lIvE AlOnE" she said, an angry expression on her face.

Yeah I did love alone but I didn't care, I lived like me and emma did when we were younger. I sold jewelry now and lived upstairs so I could own the shop, just like my mom did. I mostly sold necklaces, mostly cause i loved making them and seeing how happy people were when they liked my work.

I sighed "well you live with Gilda soooo" i pointed out

"Yeah but you could live with us too!!"

I shook my head "no i like my home"

She pouted and crossed her arms at me, then she sighed and just smiled.

"Well get ready! Lets hangout today!!" She yelled at me

I nodded and shut my window, going to get changed. It took me a few minutes before I made it downstairs to my door. I made sure that the sign at the window said "closed" before coming to the door.

"So where are we going?" I asked

"I heard there was some new shops! And your alwayyys working so lets go see them today!" She answered immediately with a big smile

"Okay!" I said and smiled back

We walked around town, I loved how lively it was all the time!

"So how are you today?" Emma asked me

"I'm good! How are you, Emma?" I asked

"Im great!!" She replied, I smiled to that

We had made it to town, I loved being here, it always made me feel happy.

"Why are there so many guards here todayyyy?" Emma whined

"Its fine Emma, we can still have fun" I said and smiled at her

"Your right, oh look a flower shop!!! Cmon Norman!"

Before i knew it I was being dragged to a little tent with a girl selling flowers and seeds. I stood there as Emma asked the girl about the different types of flowers, being very friendly with her.

"Oh! I'm Emma by the way!!"

Always making more friends for herself

"I'm Violet, nice to meet you Emma"

Emma shook the girls hand and smiled.

Emma ended up buying some flower seeds as I just waited, I wasn't that interested in flowers. It felt like I was waiting forever as Emma talked to Violet for a while. She had already gotten what she wanted she was just being friendly as always.

"Hey you, white haired boy. Take this"

That caught my attention, so I looked to the violet haired girl. She was holding one red rose to me.


"I can tell there's someone special in your life, give this to them. Red roses represent love, and I can tell you love someone"

How- how did she figure that out!?!?

"T-Thank you" I said and took the rose

Then emma gasped "you can give it Ray!! Remember him? I bet we'll see him eventually!!!" She said


Yeah I do remember..

But it feels like I almost forgot about it..

"Emma its been seven years, I don't think I'll see him again.." I told her

I lost hope a while ago..

I don't think I'll see him ever again..

"C'mon Norman, I bet we will at some point!!" Emma said

I nodded "yeah, but after seven years, really?"

"You never know!!" She said

"I guess your right" I replied

"Well bye now! I'll see you around Violet!!" Emma smiled at the girl and waved

We walked away from the girl and went on.

"I liked her, she like knows things!" Emma said with a smile

I nodded "did you tell her about Ray or something?" I asked, looking at the rose the girl gave me

"No I didn't, isn't it cool how she knows this stuff!!" Emma replied

Am I that readable, or can this girl just tell that I love someone?

"Mhm, it is cool" I agreed

"Can I ask you something?" Emma said out of nowhere

"Yeah of course" I replied

"Do you love Ray? Or still love him?" She asked, that caught me off guard

But soon enough i relaxed "well seven years ago I didn't even know that I loved him. But I know I still do so yes, yes I love him" I admitted

"Aww, well see him again one day Norman! And if we don't we can sneak into the castle and find him!!" She seemed very determined

I laughed "well get in big trouble for that Emma"

"Yeah but I want you to see Ray againnnnnn" she whined

"And maybe I will ..hopefully" I said

"Yeah!! We will see him!!" She said, seeming just as determined as before.

There's gonna be a little part two to this chapter since im lazy and I just feel like ending it here. The part two wont be all that special tho-

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