Chapter 1 - Valid Subscription

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Keep in mind that this story contains themes of:
• LGBTQ+ (Yes, the writer is a fudanshi, so he had to include some gayness into the story.)
• Murder, blood, gore, injury, etc.
If you're sensitive to either of these things, I recommend you turn back now.

{]|| Episode 1: Valid Subscription ||[}

Quite frankly, I'm tired of people who think that "model students" have a perfect life.

It was just another autumn night that I awoke in my dorm at Hamasaki Boarding Academy. Everyday, I return to this humble abode. And by humble, I mean pitiful. More and more dirty clothes were beginning to pile, and lately I've been considering a combination of going commando and wearing my old, undersized school-issued uniform. As an overworked teenager who was never taught to do chores from adolescence, I had very little time and skill to actually clean my dorm, so you can't blame me for choosing to live in such a messy place.

Lain out on my bed, I was ready to simply surrender to the sensation of stalling and relaxation. Today's workload was overbearing, and quite frankly, I believe I need a break for once.

"Don't you agree, Deus?"

I closed my eyes until the god would respond. "Indeed, Fujiwara. The plethora of causes for your strain added onto your pubescent hormonal discharge is a very damaging process to go through."

Oh, that's right I haven't yet introduced myself to you. My name is Seichi Fujiwara, and I'm a third year at Hamasaki Boarding Academy. As I said before, I'm a "model student" based on what my advisors have told me. 

My eyes would open again, but no longer was I in my room, instead now inhabiting the Cathedral of Causality. It's... well, large is the most I can say. Think of the largest room you've ever been in, and expand in by four powers. Yes, that is how monumental this location is. Also, this is Deus ex Machina, my imaginary friend and the supposed God of Space and Time. As if imaginary friends could actually control both those cosmic beings. I pulled out my phone and wrote an entry into my digital diary.

22:17 - Almost done with homework, Deus summons me to the Cathedral.

A crumpling noise could be heard nearby, and eventually a small crunch. No doubt, it was Deus's tiny assistant Murumuru. She resembled that of a child, but she was most definitely older than I was. Her mouth full, the subordinate spoke up as well, "Yeah, that sucks, Seichi. Normally, I'd say you should take a day off, but guess you really can't, huh?" She chewed through the most of the bag as she spoke, "If only we had quick fix to make your life easy."

"That would be great, but I shouldn't depend on you guys for everything. It's fine, I should be able to endure it," I spoke up to them. Despite knowing that time was stopped within the Cathedral, I already had intent to leave. "For now, I think I should go back and finish my work. See you tomorrow?"

Murumuru whined aloud. "Already? You just got here, Seichi. So much for a break." I'd hope that her complaints were because she wanted me to stay longer, but knowing her I doubted that was the case.

On the other hand, Deus was much more nonchalant about my wanting to exit. "Ahh, yes. It might be best you focus more on your schoolwork instead of getting diverted by speaking to us." He spoke as if he wanted me to leave, but it's fine. I suppose a god is allowed to want his personal space.

Sighing, I waved to them, "Alright, bye now."

"Bye-bye!" Murumuru replied.

Deus is waved back, and the colossus he is, you can't miss it. "Until next time, then."

And just like that, I was back in my dorm within my next blink. Okay then, I thought to myself, back to my work at hand as promised. Needless to say, I was able to complete my assignments before the deadline at the cost of falling asleep at my desk.

00:03 - I fall asleep after finishing homework.

And just like that, awake I am. Another dreamless slumber has passed, and I began getting ready for the new day. Packed and ready, I head out to meet everyone else in the halls.

07:42 - Breakfast today is Miso Shiru.

The morning went by regularly, with nothing significant occurring. It's before classes, so that's only natural. I generally wasn't hungry today, so I decided to skip breakfast. I'd rather wait for lunch, since the breakfasts here are get really repetitive and bland.

07:56 - As it turns out, most of the students who ate today's breakfast got food poisoning.

When I come into class I can't help but notice that most of my classmates weren't here. That's weird..

08:06 - My phone makes a really weird noise in my bag. Let's just hope no one hears...

What was that? I heard a weird computer-crashing sound coming from my phone. I thought I was just hearing something that was farther away before, but now, in a room so silent you can hear the tiniest of footsteps, there's no way you can miss it.

I needed to sneak a peek. Throwing my bag against the side of the desk, I grab my phone and open it.

What.. What's with all these entries? I didn't write anything yet, so how come my diary has them? Do I have someone else's phone? No, that's not possible, that's the most convenient answer. Everyone got food poisoning? Guess that means it'll just be me here. They might as well cancel school today..

"Ahem?" I heard a low, matured voice coming from the door. It was Shirai-San, my teacher who apparently had to be incredibly strict. Right about now, so many things were running through my head, especially what the hell was on my phone, but who knows, maybe it'll end up being confiscated.

"Oh, sorry Shirai-San," I tried to act clueless to wiggle my way out of this situation. "I was waiting for class to start and no one was coming, so I didn't think it was in session yet. Speaking of which, why am I the only one here?" I'd test the waters, wanting to see if the entries in my diary were true.

She simply sighed, answering without another thought, "Today's breakfast gave everyone food poisoning. You're part of a highly lucky few who had decided to either skip out on it or make their own."

Then a knocking sound came from the other side of the room.

Word Count: 1193

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