His tongue trails from the side of my chin to the corner of my mouth. I'm frozen on spot, barely breathing. When he pulls away, his eyes are the same shimmering silver I had seen the other night. My breathing spikes, and his eyes dart to my mouth. B...
*MC holds up hand* This chapter is about to explain something very important and may give you a better understanding of Vixen. However, it may be triggering to some readers, so please continue with caution. (I don't want my cupcakes to go down a dark, sugarless road they'd rather not visit~)
*MC puts down her hand and smiles, pulling out a cupcake* Now, without further adieu. Spirals, if you would be so kind~
*downwardspirals presses rewind*
MC: Hehe. Here we go again~
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| Macintyre |
Chase stared down at Nicole, wondering what she wanted. The survey he assigned was strictly opinionated—there were no right or wrong answers—yet she had told Whitney that she needed help with it.
She sighed, rubbing her head. "Sorry about that," she said. "You're probably used to Cupcake going bat-shit crazy, but Whit..." She shook her head.
"Don't worry about it," he assured her. Honestly, he knew his proximity with Vixen would cause suspicion—that was the reason he had moved away from her—but he never expected Whitney to threaten him after he had moved a few feet from her. The thought of what she would have done if she'd seen them as close as they were before she walked in amused him.
"Listen, what I'm about to tell you is top secret." Nicole interrupted his thoughts. "If Leon or anyone else knows I told you, I'll probably be slaughtered, especially by Cupcake."
Now that was interesting. "Then why are you telling me?" he asked lightly. He wouldn't mind a few answers to his questions, but her telling him something 'top secret' without him pushing her only gave him more questions.
She sighed, running a hand through her hair again. He wondered idly if it was a nervous tick or a habit. "Because things'll make more sense once you know," she explained. "I'm sure Whit's suspicions of you since the beginning has been confusing as shit, and I know she comes off as a paranoid psychopath, but there are reasons for it. Promise."
He figured as much.
"And Cupcake'll tell you that it has nothing to do with her," she added. "She doesn't like to think that the reason Whitler's paranoid is because she's worried for her instead of herself, but we all know differently."
He raised an eyebrow, still unsure as to what she was getting at.
"I'm guessing you've heard about Macintyre by now, right?" she said. "The old history professor that Cupcake hit?"
There that name was again. "Yes."
"She didn't hit him without a reason," Nicole dismissed the rumor immediately, like she knew what he was thinking about. "She never hits someone without a reason."