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Description: Request! Fem Tae/ Dom gguk;Breastfeeding

Jeon Jeongguk worked part time as a barista in a small coffee shop downtown while Kim Taehyung worked as a waitress

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Jeon Jeongguk worked part time as a barista in a small coffee shop downtown while Kim Taehyung worked as a waitress. Both were seniors in high school. Although they worked at the same place, their schedules would differ which would often mean one of them leaving early or late.

Today was a Saturday and on Saturdays, Jeongguk worked overtime. Starting at 10 am until 9 pm. This meant that he'd come home to see his lover seated on the soft couch in their living room, her snores leaving her pretty cherry lips.

"Baby?" Jeongguk softly went his way to Taehyung and touched her cheek. "Taehyung?" He whispered in her ear. She groaned and slowly sat up. "Kookie?" She asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"I'm home sweetie, how was your nap?" He chuckled. Taehyung sleepily smiled, "I dreamt that you were ticking me!" Jeongguk cooed and kissed her on the lips. " Are you hungry? Hyung gave me some burgers and fries! I could make you your strawberry smoothie if you want too."

Taehyung nodded her head feverishly before standing up and stretching. Jeongguk just watched in admiration how Taehyung looked. She was wearing his white t-shirt that reached her mid thigh but when she stretched her arms up, it had been too late to pull down the shirt.

Jeongguk had to blink twice before realizing that she wasn't wearing shorts, just her light grey underwear. By now he was seated down on one of the sofas, just watching as his baby yawned. "Kookie?" Taehyung asked as she saw the latter looking at her with an unreadable expression.

"Tae, come here?" He said to which Taehyung obediently obied to. "Are you not wearing any shorts?" He asked while roaming his eyes around her body. Taehyung giggled sheepishly. "Yes? I was too tired to I just got on your shirt." She had her arms pulled back, fingers fidgeting. Jeongguk blushed as he saw the outline of her perky nipples against the fabric of his shirt.

"Come sit on my lap princess," he ordered. Taehyung hesitated but nonetheless complied. "You also took off your bra, hm?" His large hands slowly touched her body up. Massaging her plump butt. Outlining her waist and finally taking off the shirt.

Taehyung's breasts were big. Not even jeongguk hand could cover  them. They were round and soft to the touch, sensitive as well.  Jeongguk gulped before looking back at his lover. "May I?" Dinner long forgotten, Taehyung nodded as she gasped.

After two years or so of knowing each other and exploring their likes and dislikes, Jeongguk would always prefer breastfeeding from Taehyung. How the smallest trickle of milk made his tastebuds go haywire.

Gosh, he loved the feeling of the thick skin against the flat of his tongue as he flicked her nipple while sucking on the supple skin. Taehyung loved it as well. The amount of pleasure being given to when Jeongguk would breastfeed on her. "Jeongguk!" She gasped as he began to remove her underwear.

"It's okay princess, I got you." Jeongguk said as he laid the beauty on the sofa. Taehyung's hazel brown hair spread wildly as she panted from sensitivity. Her long legs pressed tightly together as she tried to cover herself. Jeongguk kisses her forehead. "Don't cover yourself love, let me take care of you, yeah?" Taehyung nodded sheepishly, a rose cloud of blush on her chubby cheeks. Jeongguk took his clothes off, leaving himself with only his boxers.

Bending himself down, he took in Taehyung's nipple in his warm cavern. Gently sucking the skin while flicking his tongue up and down. Right to left. His right hand touching her body. Outlining her thighs and back. The thick skin turning flush red. Taehyung beginning to squirm under his touch, rubbing her thighs tightly against each other.

"Gosh I love your breast." He said as he began leaving hickies on the skin. From in between her chest, trailing all the way to her neck. Taehyung laid there while softly touching the younger's hair. Jeongguk looked at her with love, before going in and kissing her. Their tongues touching and rubbing each other, small amounts of saliva escaping from Taehyung's mouth.

The younger kissed her down until he was sucking in the supple skin of her thighs. Opening her legs apart to which Taehyung gasped, feeling butterflies in her tummy. "Gguk!" She moaned as she felt the younger's clothe bulge touch her entrance. "Please? I will be good, I promise!" She asked as she gently rubbed herself on  Jeongguk, trying to feel some sort of pleasure.

Jeongguk soon took his boxers off and got ready before pushing himself inside her. "Tell me when you're ready, love." Taehyung gasped and desperately took his hands in hers. "Please move, I just need you to love me please!" She sobbed out.

Jeongguk hummed, pulled out to only slam back in. He continued to do this at a normal pace but quickly sped up, trying to reach his climax.

"Oh! Taehyung! I'm almost close baby, am I making you feel good?" He asked as he kept thrusting in and out with strength. Taehyung could only sob out in response as she felt immense pleasure. "Please! I'm almost close ggukie! C-close!"

Jeongguk obied, his thrusts becoming a bit sloppy. Almost wanting to cry out from pleaseure as well. He hid his face in between Taehyung's shoulder, panting next to her ear.
"Close, a little bit more." He said in a hoarse tone. Taehyung moaned as she felt herself climaxing. "Fuck-ing hell!" Jeongguk whispered and that's when with one last strong thrust, both of them came.

"I love you ggukie." Taehyung said, patting the younger's hair while his head laid comfortably on her chest, his lips attaching once again to her breast.

I hope you liked it! @Home664

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