Emotional Constipated part 1

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Author's Note:
("A"- Dialog/"A"- Thought)


"If you must"


The sound of Eijun's laugh serves like a noisy background in the bullpen but for Miyuki this is like a music to his ears. He is enjoying the sound when Mochi suddenly ask something.

"What about you Miyuki? Do you even  care about Sawamura?"Mochi asked in serious tone

Miyuki eyes widen,this caught him off guard to be honest.

"Well I care for him like a catcher cares for his pitcher" he answer while scratching the back of head.

Kuramochi is the one who's eyes widening now.

"Like  Catcher cares for his pitcher my ass, yeah right Miyuki"

"What? That's really how it is Moch-kun "

"We didn't practice the numbers for three days now, so I'm kind of  frustrated that he's ignoring me. Look  at that, Okumura can't even catch the number  seven properly"

"if it's me, I can catch that easily   What is he thinking?".

"You sure are cocky huh??"snort Kuramochi "And I thought you ask Sawamura and Furuya to practice with the first year? Mochi smirk

"Well Mochi-kun, in case you forgot.
I'm the main catcher of this team and can basically catch anything so I'm just telling the truth and to add some, I'm more popular than you too~~"

Kuramochi notice that Miyuki purposely dodge his question but he just let it be. Because contrary to popular belief, he can be considerate too.

"Stop bosting you Jerk! Before I fucking strangle you!"

"Mochi-kun you won't be popular with girls if you talk like that.hhahaha"

"Shut-up bastard!" Mochi is now ready to attack Miyuki, but the latter just wave his hand to surrender.

"But man seriously , don't you want to make up with Sawamura? I mean if you go on like this , it may affect your battery  later and not to mention  the whole team."

"Well like I said, I don't even know why that idiot is ignoring me"

"You really don't know?? You're more  idiot than I expected"

"Hey! I'm sure my IQ is higher than you ,? So you don't have the right to call me an idiot~"

"Well you're just proving my point jerk , and I'm only telling you this once so listen!"

Then mochi said to his free face.

"Miyuki it's your fault that Sawamura is ignoring you. "

"You always make him wait  everytime you practice together. "

"You always reject that idiot  when he's asking you to catch for him."

" You always break your promise to catch for him just because you feel like it . "

"You prioritized Furuya over him  a lot of  times. You even said that you don't  like him dude."

"I won't be surprise  if you actually did something to offend him, when I'm not around.

"So if you were  in Sawamura's shoes, would you be happy?'

Miyuki looks at his friend for a second before replied.

"Of course I wont like that but I only  purposely ditch him thrice ,and Furuya needs my full attention the past few days that's why. And I already told Sawamura about that"

"Thrice????! What the hell!
I seriously don't know what's Sawamura like in this idiot. Talk about bad taste, bleh!"

"Yeah,You told him that Furuya is the ACE so he needs more attention from you more than him straight to his face so many times already and in a very rude way at that "

(Well he said it  once too, and he kind of felt bad about it but this megane idiot doesn't have to know that)

"Well that's... "Miyuki cannot even look at Mochi. So he just change the topic.

"Breaktimes is over, don't sluck Mochi-kun"~~~

"You're the one slucking here, you asshole!!"


"That's not a compliment!" Mochi fires back while getting out of the bullpen.

Miyuki just sigh and tried to concentrate. Fortunately he got he's footing before the coach came.

[[After practice]

"That tanuki-bastard is acting really weird Haruchi!, He even got hit twice by Nori-Senpai!"whispered Eijun.

"Stop shouting Eijun-kun, But you're right he's definitely acting weird today"

"Right????? He's usually super cool and amazing, but a while ago he's acting like noob. Well its not like I care if he got hit?more on ,he deserve it hahaha" (he's still whispering)

"Eijun-kun, don't say that. What if Miyuki-senpai hears you??"

"He won't, I even makes sure too lower my voice now right?"

"Eijun-kun you're still loud you know?"

"Hmp! It's fine Harucchi"

"And I don't care of what that Miyuki bastard thinking anymore, Harucchi. I don't even want to pitch to  that jerk!"

"Is that so??" Said a familiar voice.

Eijun turn his head towards the voice direction  then he saw Miyuki, he shivers when he felt the black aura coming from him.

Ofcourse Eijun just act nonchalant in front of Miyuki again.

"And here I am trying to ask you to play catch with me" ~~~~

Eijun didn't say anything, he does not even look at Miyuki properly.

"Don't give in self. No matter what he say just ignore him. I'm sure he's just gonna take you for an idiot again" Eijun thought sadly.

Miyuki still in front of him, he kind of looks mad."but why the hell he looks mad??..

"So you're just gonna ignore me again huh? You sure have the nerve"

Eijun didn't say anything, instead he just look to Haruichi..


"But Miyuki-senpai is.."then Haruichi look to their captain.

" It's find Kominato you can go ahead"

To be continued...

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