Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and then throw it in the

face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the

oranges you originally asked for"

(City of Bones, By Cassandra Clare)

 “And, this year is going to be your most important year because…..” I stopped listening; it was my first class and I wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about learning. Even though I wasn’t so excited about the classes, I was excited to see my old classmates and the new students. I looked around and saw Max and Andres whispering about something. Andres just looked bored though.

“Sorry I’m late.” We all looked around as Peaches walked in; looking a bit red.

“Oh, that’s okay. Come in! You must be…. Dexter?” Miss Bell asked sceptically.

“Uh, no... it’s Masé. Masé Mongersion?”

“Oh, yes. Sorry! I guess Dexter hasn’t found his way yet. Take a seat Masé.”

“Just Mason is good too.” He smiled and took the first seat he found.

Mason Mongersion, not bad, I thought. I liked that name. Even if it kind of reminded me of a hungry beggar, his magnitude of hotness made up for it.

I was seated behind a group of girls that were now frantically gossiping already. Mango and I referred to them as the ‘sharks’; a horrible name I guess but true all the same.  Miss Bell didn’t talk for long; she just introduced the kids and read the morning announcements. Thankfully, she didn’t force us to actually listen like most teachers.

Masé had his bag on the table and his head was rested on the bag. I guessed that he was not a morning person. That made two of us. I looked up and saw Mango slip into the classroom. She looked causal, but I knew she spent thirty minutes to painfully make that side braid. Personally, I have never been able to make a side braid since it hurts my hands too much.

She walked up to my table and gave me a toothy smile.

“Peaches is up front.” As if I didn’t know, I thought; eyeing him up and down again.

“Mason. We have an official name now, so enough with the Peaches.” I really didn’t like naming guys after fruits because it reminded me of when guys talk about girls like food. I had a short temper and I think Mango noticed it too because she decided it was a good time to suddenly notice her new not-yet-boyfriend, boyfriend.

“Hey!” Mango said; kissing Nate on the cheek. It was just a kiss on the cheek but I could tell that it made Nate’s day just from the look in his eyes. I smiled.

“I’m out before this,” I pointed between them. “Gets anymore lovey-dovey than I can handle.”

I could feel them rolling their eyes as I walked up to the front of the room.

“Hey, Mason.” I said; standing in front of him. Poor kid, I think I scared him. “So, what do you have first?” I added; trying to cover up for scaring him.

“Argh, Maths. You?” He responded.

“Join the club. Come on, it’s just double maths. We can do this thang.”

“Please tell me you did not just say thang.” He raised an amused eyebrow and got up.

“Yes, I did. You’re going to love our teacher.” I grinned

After one hour and forty minutes of my life that I wish I could take back, we emerged from the classroom with fried brains and hardly intact fingers. We had Mr Job this year; he was kind of cool, but he was still a maths teacher. It was kind of funny because his first name was Bert so, the sign on his door read B. Job Mathematics. Call me immature but I couldn’t help but laugh every time I saw it.

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