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Out Of The Woods ; A Derek Hale And Teen Wolf Fan Fiction

Copyright © 2015 horrorweblog

Disclaimer: Teen Wolf belongs to Jeff Davis


[ c h a p t e r o n e]

The half crescent moon shone bright in the dark sky, illuminating the trail path in front of me. I checked my phone and saw that I had no messages from my mother. I suppose I can't say I'm surprised, she probably thinks that I'm at a friends house on a Friday night not lost in the middle of these unknown woods.

I was never allowed in the woods.

I'm not entirely sure why but I had heard my fair share of stories, none of which I believed. I don't believe anything unless it's proven to me. It serves as a motto of mine, sort of my saying. I don't like to judge a book by its cover, nor do I like people who do so either. But I will tolerate those types of people, but that's just because of my undying hatred for confrontation. Call me pathetic if you will but I'm not ashamed, it's one of the character traits comes with the package that is Mia Montgomery.

I jumped slightly when I absentmindedly stepped on a twig, the cracking sound of it breaking the science that this dark forest held. I heard a noise come from afar it sounded animalistic almost like a growl. Speeding up my movements I internally panicked, I'm not sure what animal it is but I do know that it is most likely not friendly.

My body went flying forward as I scraped my ankle on a sharp rock, I fell flat on my face. Curse my clumsiness, it was certainly not coming in handy at the moment. I shifted my body so I was lying on my back now, I brushed the dirt from me as I attempted to stand.

I felt a sharp pain in my foot as I put wait on it, letting out a cry of pain as I did so.

There was a sudden rustling of leaves being stepped on, someone was here. I heard the foot steps move closer towards me, I internally hoped that it wasn't a murderer or rapist and it was someone that would help me.

"Hello?" I asked as I saw a figure approaching me. The moon then illuminated his face as he moved closer, it was a man. An extremely handsome one at that, he had dark hair and piercing emerald green eyes. I felt my breath catch slightly in my throat as I saw that he was extremely well built and tall with broad shoulders.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked moving towards me, a look of concern on his face. I felt my heart skip a beat at this.

"I tripped, and my ankle hurts when I try and stand."

He looked at me intently for a few seconds than his eyes roamed the forest before meeting mine again. He bent down and I gasped when scooped me up in his arms and started carrying me while walking in the opposite direction I was initially heading.

"Where- where are you taking me?"

His chest rumbled slightly as he chuckled, looking down at me his eyes met mine for a second.

"Don't worry, I'm just taking you to my house so I can fix up your ankle. We can't stay out here too long, it's not safe."

As he said that last part his eyes darkened slightly.

"So what were you doing roaming the woods at twelve on a Friday night?" He asked, his aura changing slightly as he changed the subject.

"Hmm, well I suppose I could ask you the same." I answered with a cheeky smile, he chuckled slightly.

"Let's just say I had some business to take care of."

I paused, tensing slightly.

"You're not a part of the mafia or something are you? Because I'm not sure this friendship will work out so well if so."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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