6- a sleepover to remember

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No ones pov
Atsumu was full excitement as she ran around the house preparing things. Why you may ask? Well some of her friends agreed to have a sleepover together at her and Osamu's house this weekend.

And saying that she was excited was a bit of an understatement.

Her brother watched as his younger twin sister prepared everything for this so called fun sleepover. If anything it was going to be a complete mess. Why? Osamu knew the people who were invited either didn't like each other or their personalities didn't mix well together. Let's just say all of them have the same problem well except maybe Saito.

Osamu actually appreciated Saito more than he hated him. His sister had a genuine friend other them him, Kita, Aran, and well maybe Suna.

Osamu never really counted the others because of how they acted around Atsumu.

"SAMU!!" Atsumu yelled while jumping up and down excitedly.

"What??" Osamu asked as he got out of thought.

"THEY'RE ALL HERE!!!" Atsumu said as she ran to the door.

Osamu sighed knowing how bad tonight's going to go.

Atsumu opened the door happily as she quickly pulled in Saito.

"WAH!" Saito yelled out as he was dragged into the living room and thrown on the couch like a stuffed animal.

"GADAYUM!" Saito said while rubbing his back to ease the slight pain.

Atsumu started wheezing of how Saito said god damn. She couldn't get enough how Saito and Atsumu became so close in just a few days. It honestly warmed her heart.

The others had also arrived to a very awkward scene in front of them. The scene was Atsumu and Saito trying to wrestle each other as to say who was winning none of them were. It was sort of devastating in a way.


"OMGGGGG THEY'RE SO CUTE TOGETHERRR!!" Atsumu squealed loudly as she starting drooling.


The two were arguing about who should go with who in this new anime they were watching. Atsumu liked to ship more rare ships while Saito was all about common sense.

"dabihawks is SUCH an otp😩🤚" Atsumu said still drooling over the fact at how FUCKING HOT DABI WAS!!

Osamu was embarrassed at how his sister can ship something that quick. Honestly she's been like this since he can remember. Like one time Osamu was being bullied and Atsumu made up this whole story about how in love we're going to be. Turns out he was an idiot who just wanted to date Atsumu using pity and some shit.

"AYOOOOO ATSUMU!!!" Saito said while laughing.

"WHAAATT!!" Atsumu said while rolling her eyes.

"I knowwwww what we can do!! Let's play dress up!" Saito whispered to the female.

Atsumu's face brightened up after hearing the suggestion from her friend. She nodded a yes quickly as they both stand up.

"Where are you two going?" Suna said.

The rest of the group stared at the two suspiciously.

"We're going to uhhhh...GO TO MY ROOM YEAH!" Atsumu quickly said as she grabbed Saito's hand and ran upstairs. You could hear a door slam shut.

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