A Party of Fools

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Eyyyyy look who's back after being dead for months, again-

        Black Sheep felt her body tense as she entered the crowd, shocked by how many people had actually arrived. Someone had managed to kill the security feed to one of the training rooms; All bets on who'd done it went to Crackle. Now the room was alive with energy. Laughter filled the air, jokes were shared, pockets were picked... all to be expected.  This wasn't your average high school party after all.
        Unsurprisingly, Sheena was having the time of her life. It'd been so damn long since she'd had fun, and there was no way in hell she'd waste that tonight. She'd drink herself silly, and party until she saw stars... party until she could only feel the rhythm of the people around her. Maybe then she wouldn't have to hear her own heart anymore, or feel how it had been fluttering recently. She wasn't some stupid middle school girl anymore; those butterflies in her stomach would have to wait.


Why the hell is it so loud? Christ. The young thief grumbled faintly as she actually had to force herself between some students. Where the hell were her friends? She'd been looking for what felt like hours. In reality, it'd literally been about ten minutes. Still, she was more than a bit peeved. Black Sheep had quickly discovered that drunk twenty year olds were a bunch of idiots... not that she could really complain. They were definitely entertaining, if not also annoying.
        Black Sheep let her eyes scan the crowd again. She finally managed to catch a familiar face, one painted with comical amounts of makeup. The girl quickly rushed over.
        "Mimosa Bimbosa, good to see you-" she says, relieved. The young man gives a smile and a friendly bow. He seems happy enough, if not a little uncomfortable amongst such a large group. He's dressed no differently than usual, which is almost hilarious. "Have you seen anyone else? I can't find the rest of the team anywhere-"
        Mime Bomb thinks for a moment, tapping his chin. His eyes light up and he gestures a bit. Black Sheep had grown good at deciphering his charades. "Ah, gotcha-" she winks a bit. "Thanks big guy, I'll look there. Enjoy the party I guess?" The girl says with an awkward smile. He nods and backs his way into the crowd.


        Tigress cackled, her face flushed from all the alcohol and excitement. "Holy shit, ha!" She grinned at the tall and dark guy beside her. "This place had some high quality stuff-"
        "How much you wanna bet Cleo was the one who wanted it?" He asks, his accent rolling pleasantly. "The bitch is pretty high maintenance-" They both laughed again, thoroughly enjoying themselves. Sheena could feel him pressed shoulder to shoulder with her. The closeness was more than welcome. Her alcohol fogged mind wanted him here, wanted any sort of company. Was his face getting closer? She could feel his breath, smell the expensive wine...
        "You're real pretty you know-" he says, shaggy hair falling over his eyes. She smirks at him.
        "Oh trust me, I do know~" Tigress teases, feeling her face grow warm. She was a flirt at the best of times, and especially when she was drunk. This was nothing new. "Thanks for the compliment~"
The man smirked softly, lashes casting shadows over his deep grey eyes. Part of her wished they were lighter, sharper, brighter... they reminded her of someone. She refused to remember who. Within moments, she could feel his lips meet hers. She hadn't kissed anyone in forever... why didn't this feel any better? Still, the blonde thief grinned, kissing back. And from across the room, a far more familiar grey gaze watched in confused dismay.
        Wait, why am I confused? My throat's all tight... this isn't supposed to happen. Why do I care so much? Why does this hurt.... Why am I still staring?? Black Sheep felt herself take a step forward, her stomach flipping unpleasantly. Sheena...
        "Oi, Black Sheep!" She was interrupted by a heavy hand on her shoulder, laughter filling her ears. Her team was here. "Where have you been Mate? We've been looking all over for you-" The young woman blinked at Gray for a moment, her mind blank. She quickly forced herself to smile back at him.
"Oh, just exploring the party-" she says with a faint laugh. It sounds so empty. Crackle's smile falters a bit. Everyone else is too busy joking around to notice, but not him. His lips parted to speak again-
        "Oh shIT!" Someone cried, the crowd going silent. "VLAD AND BORIS FOUND US, SCATTER-"
        The group of thieves all erupted into screams, chaotic laughter filling the air as a pack of drunken idiots fled from the room. Black Sheep bolted out, quickly disappearing into the small maze of hallways. Adrenaline filled her veins, and she was loving it.
        She finally picked a door to open, grasping the doorknob as she sprinted past it. Her arm was almost yanked from its socket as she struggled on the slick floors. Throwing the door open, the young thief ducked into the closet, slamming it closed behind her. Safe, finally safe...
        As her chest heaved for breath, her heart racing, she suddenly became aware of another body less than two feet away.  It was breathing just as hard. Black Sheep glanced over, only to freeze as she was met with familiar blue eyes. Shit, damn it not her, not now-


Don't worry, this isn't the end of this part of the story. The next chapter will pick up right where this one left off-

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