III: Saved

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(Allee's POV)

I wake up in a bed that isn't mine. I startle, sitting up, as I think the worst.

I was kidnapped. I'm trapped.

But then I remember.

I wasn't kidnapped at all. I was saved. Saved from the constant yelling, the constant beating, the constant name-calling. I was saved from all of it.

I smile as the memory of the two women from last night who brought me home with them, returns to mind.

One of them, Lyndsey, walks into the room.

"Oh, hey. Didn't mean to wake you," she chuckles, embarrassed.

I shrug and slowly sit up. "No, you're fine. I— thank you, for your help. I should really be going."

"We'll take you home. It's still not safe for you to be out and about, on your own," Lyndsey says, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"You two okay in here?" Maddie comes in.

"Yeah," Lyndsey smiles warmly.

The two share a lingering look between them, and I glance back and forth. They almost look like they're having a mental conversation.

Clearing my throat awkwardly and causing the pair to look at me, I blush.

"Are you hungry?" Maddie asks.

"Umm... yes. If that's okay?" I am hungry, but I don't want to make them feel like they have to feed me.

"We can make you something, if you like. Trust me when I tell you, Lyndsey is amazing at cooking. Be careful that she doesn't steal your rosemary, though. She's notorious for that!" Maddie giggles, prompting Lyndsey to pout and nudge her.

"I am not!" she protests.

"You totally are, and you know it!"

Before they can continue their argument, I get out of bed, transferring into my wheelchair. Maddie immediately rushes to my aid, dropping the petty argument.

She gets behind me, arms outstreched, ready to catch me if I fall.

"You got it?" She sounds worried.

"Yeah," I assure her. "Just gonna go to the bathroom."

"Oh okay, sorry."

"No, it's okay. My parents couldn't care less if I fall, so it's nice."

Maddie and I smile at each other warmly. I turn back to see Lyndsey, still seated on the bed, looking oddly pissed.

"Do you need help?" Maddie questions, snapping me out of my daze.

"No, I've got it." I answer. "Thank you, though."

"Always." She smiles again. "If you need anything, Lyndsey and I will be just down the hall making breakfast."

"Alright," I smile, shutting the door and looking in the bathroom mirror.

I look terrible.

I swear I hear Lyndsey from the kitchen murmur, "No you don't."

That couldn't possibly be the case though, there's no way she could've heard me from all the way in there. Nonetheless, it makes me feel good.

I turn away from the mirror and turn on the shower. As I open the curtain further, I notice a bench sitting inside with a note on it.

We figured you'd want to take a warm shower this morning, so Lynn went out last night and got this for you. Hope it helps!
Love, Lynn and Maddie

Forbidden: Lynn GunnWhere stories live. Discover now