Chapter 20 christmas time !

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My parents and sister came home safe , they were getting ready to go meet luis mom . We were about to leave, when my sister Selena was outside the house , she was about to knock . My parents didn't know that she tried to take my man .

Me - what are you doing here?
Selena- I came to say Marry Christmas I heard that mom and dad came?
Me- yeah but we are about to leave so you can come later!

Mom- Mija así mucho que no te veo !
Selena- hola mami me voy porque se van ayer con Luis verda ?
Mom- si mija porque no vienes con nosotros?
Me- ma si nos va a ser tarde !
Mom- Mija invita a tu hermana !
Me- esta ven ! Selena quieres ir?

Selena said "sure " with the same evil eyes when I saw her kissing luis .

Minutes later

We were at luis house , he opens the door then he see's Selena behind my parents ,

He met my parents and my sister Ashley , his mom was getting ready .

Luis mom came met my parents , then my mom went with Luis mom get the food ready me and Luis were sitting in the kitchen table .

Luis - why is your sister here?
Me- because she came to say merry Christmas, but my mom saw her and told her to come with us.
Luis- oh did I tell you que te miras moy hermosa?!
Me- no , tu también te miras moy moy quapo!

In that moment we looked into each other's eyes and kissed, my mom and Luis mom took pictures we didn't even notice since we had our eyes closed . We looked at the pictures then Luis says " amor we make a cute couple !" I started blushing.

12 o'clock

We were about to open our presents , I brought the presents for my parents and Ashely and Luis mom .

I give Ashely the new iPhone 6 plus since she been dying for one , she was really excited, I give my mom clothes and my dad money since he didn't want clothes , for Luis mom I bought her a pair of shoes and clothes and for Luis a watch .

It was Luis turn to give presents he gave me a promise ring , I loved it so much and for my parents and his mom each 500 dollars and Ashely too .

When Selena wasn't receiving anything since nun of us knew she was coming , she left I didn't even notice she left .

When we were done with the presents we sat for a little bit and talked .

Conversation -
Luis - hey babe can I ask you something ?
Me- yeah sure what is it babe?
Luis- on Valentine's Day I have a performance in Texas , do you want to go with me so we can spend Valentine's together ?
Me- ok I will go !

[LUIS POV] the good thing she's going with me for Valentine's know I need to make a plan on how am I going to propose to her ?

****few hours later****

We went home, I send a text to luis that I was home since we came home at 2 am , and then I went to sleep .

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