Chapter 47

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We woke up ate breakfast and gave the babies milk and got ready for the Nascars , Luis was going to practice and at 6pm it was going to start . Doña Thelma stayed here and tonight she was leaving back to her house even though Luis was leaving by Sunday to his tour . I put on my light blue jeans with a white t-shirt that said "guess" on it then I did my natural make-up and but my hair in a bun when I was done I put on my black vans . Luis put on a dark blue shirt and some jeans with his Jordan shoes . I put my baby girl in a cute dress and my boy in some shorts with s t-shirt that matched with his shorts .

When we got there we sat in the benches to see luis practice , doña Thelma was holding Divina and I was holding Luisito . I really didn't like this whole race thing you know because there's a lot of accidents when they race . Me and doña Thelma talked on how the twins were looking a lot like luis when he was little and that Divina was looking like Mireya when she was little too .


The nascar race was about to start , we could see a lot of fans cheering for Luis . We went quick to the trailer were he was getting ready I hugged him and kiss him doña Thelma did a prayer they hugged and luis gave a kiss on the cheek to doña Thelma and then he kissed the babies . He left to his car and we went to V.I.P benches ( made that up 😂) when we were getting out of the trailer we saw Bebe coming " mijo que bueno que viniste " says doña Thelma with excitement we hug and say our hellos , Mireya couldn't come she was working . We went to sit on the benches , Bebe went to get some popcorn . " READY SET GOOOOOO" say the man , I could see luis got really fast , me and doña Thelma were scared while Bebe would cheer and say " THATS MY BRO , YOU CAN LUIS. WOOOO" .

The race was still going on when all of a sudden they say " oh no there has been a car crash .. We will need to stop the game for a few seconds " my heart dropped I felt like if luis was he one to crash , me , doña Thelma and Bebe went to check . When we were there I saw luis standing there in shock , I cried of happiness that nothing happen to him . When he saw us he started to walk towards us I could see doña Thelma with tears on her face . He hugged both of us giving each other a kiss on the forehead .


The race was about to start , I received a call from Mireya she was watching the race on the tv of her work , she said if it wasn't luis who got in the car crash she sound like if she was about to cry .

The race was starting again , luis was taking the lead . " THE WINNER IS LUIS CORONEL " The man shouted we got up and cheer all of his fans cheered and did all what a fan could do . He went to take some pictures and asked questions we were there watching him with his smile that from the very first time it would melt my heart .

When he was almost done we went to his trailer and waited for him to congratulate him . When we came we all yelled congrats and hugged him , I gaved him a kiss and a tight hug . When were done congratulating him , he got on his fancy close to perform he was going to last here for about until 2:30 it was only 10 so he was going to take a long time .


Luis was already performing doña Thelma and Bebe went backstage to see Luis perform while I was with the babies . Hugo came he said " ay Nayeli if you want I can take care of the babies so you can go see Luis ?" " For real " " Yeah no worries " " ok thanks there sleeping right now so I don't think they will wake up for milk until 3 am " " Oh ok " I gave him a hug and went backstage to see Luis . When he looked back I waved and smile , he just smiled and blow me a kiss the fans were all like " oooooooo " they could see me . Luis was about to sing his next song " dime que si" he walks towards me grabs my hand takes me to stage and he say " quien se acuerda esta parte " I knew exactly what he was talking about . He starts singing to me tears were coming down my face remembering that day when he asked me to marry him and when we celebrated our 1 anniversary . When he was done singing we hug each other then he points to someone to come , when I turn around , it was bunch of red roses . Luis gives them to me and we kissed , I could see a lot of flashlights towards us .

2:30 am

Luis was done singing we went to the trailer Hugo was in the chair on his phone " ay bro great job out there " he says to luis , he say thank we stayed in the trailer for a while then we all go home , doña Thelma and Bebe went home me and luis were putting the babies in the car . When we were done we said bye to Hugo which was almost living too .

When we got home I put the babies in the crib then I went to take a shower while luis took care of the babies if they cried . When I was done luis got in the shower and it was my turn to take care of them . I gave the babies milk because there were crying . When I was done I went to bed and waited for luis .

When luis came out of the shower , he layed in bed with me and I said " thanks amor .... For the roses and for the beautiful babies we have and for everything you have ever done for me " " Your welcome amor ...... Why the thanks yous not to be rude " " Oh well with the accident it kinda got me in shock " " Oh .... Well never forget that I love you " " I love you too" and like that we fell asleep .



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