Chapter 1

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Bridgett woke up to the sharp shrill of a phone ringing. She opened her blue eyes with a start and pushed back her heavy blue comforter lazily. "Ugh mom! Why are you on the phone this early!" She yelled in frustration. It was only 8 a.m., hardly enough time for Bridgett to get her minimal 8 hours of beauty sleep. She slowly threw her long, tanned legs over her white princess bed and made her way to the bathroom. "Oh my gosh. The bags under my eyes look TERRIBLE!" Bridgett moaned. Just as she was picking up her pink electronic toothbrush from its holder, her mom came bounding up the stairs. "Bridgett! Bridgett where are you!" Bridgett could instantly hear the panic and sorrow in her mothers voice. "Mom? I'm in here, what is it?" she asked anxiously. "Bridgett, ii-it's your dad, he's dead."

One week later...

I carefully fold my underwear and gently place it into my Louis Vutton suitcase. "There." I thought, "That's all of it." I hear slow, heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. My mom appears, wearing a light blue robe with her hair a mess, and looking like she hasn't slept in weeks. "Are you all packed Birdie?" The nickname brings a sharp pain to my chest, Birdie was the nickname my dad gave me when I was just a baby. My mom must realize the mistake she made because she looks down and shuffles her feet awkwardly. "You call me everyday, okay? I'm going to miss you more than you'll ever know." I hug my mom tightly, willing the tears not to come. "I love you too mom." My mom hasn't been doing well this past week. Ever since my father was killed in a boating accident in the Bahamas last Saturday, she's been staring blankly at walls or just laying in bed all day. My grandparents think that coming to stay with them for the rest of my Junior year will be better for me than seeing her suffer like this. I don't necessarily agree. I love California. I love my boyfriend, Chase, I love the warm Sun and the tan it brings. I love my friends and my big white house overlooking the beach. I've never been to Florida where my grandparents live. I bite my lip to keep from crying. I don't want my mom to see me upset. "I'm all ready!" I announce, even though I think we both know that I'm far from it.

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