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Chapter 8:

The innocent children, holding baseball bats looked at me excitedly. Arguing over who gets to go first. As I hung helplessly from the tree. Until one of the older kids said it was Sophie's birthday so, she should go first. "Okay Sophie big swings!" Linda said with anticipation. Little Sophie, the smallest of all the kids walked close to me holding her baseball bat, looking at me with her demonic eyes. "Time for the blindfold" Linda said as she placed the blind fold on Sophie hiding her eyes, making her smile more twisted. She drew up her weapon, smiling with bloodlust.
As I couldn't move I also couldn't blink, forcing me to watch whatever torture was coming. And with one swift little swing upwards she delivered a hit to my throat cutting my air supply. As I struggle for air, Sophie is congratulated by her peers for her "nice hit". The pain burned through my chest, and my airways now becoming clouded. Caused my breathless suffering to sting even more. As I sit in pain, I discover a new type of pain, pain that was different from which I felt in the store, it was the agony, the misery and the torture all combined In one painful swing. The thing that hurts more, is the fact I know there is more pain to come......

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