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It's been almost three weeks since I had Elijah and things are going as expected but it's been so easy for me. He was such a calm and quiet baby, that sometimes I have to check and make sure he's awake or needs a change or something.

Genesis is literally in love with him, like there's never a dull moment with her when she's around him. I expected it of course, I just hope she stays that way. Today we were home but I planned on at least taking genesis to the park because I knew she was tired of staying in the house for so long. The both of them were in the living room while I was cleaning but elijah started whining so I had to stop to go tend to him.

When I walked in, genesis was already trying her best to calm him down, which I thought was so cute. "Thank you baby, but I got him." I said to her once I picked him up out of his swing and I sat on the couch. He wasn't dirty so he must've been hungry.

I lifted my shirt and helped him get situated and once he was comfortable I sat there watching him. I looked at genesis when she crawled up on the couch and she moved over to us. "Why he doin' that papa?" Genesis asked and I laughed a little. "He's eating baby, just like how you eat your snacks and stuff, that's what he's doing." I told her the best way I knew how.

She looked so confused and I thought it was so funny. "My snacks come from there?" She asked pointing to my chest and I shook my head. "No G, but his do." I said and she seemed to get it after a minute. She sat there and messed with his feet while he ate and he didn't seem to mind too much, especially since she does it all the time.

When he was done I burped him and and cleaned him up then I decided I'd get them ready to go to the park. I got genesis dressed and then Elijah and I got them both situated, getting genesis in the stroller, and then I put Elijah in the baby wrap since he was asleep and then we left. It was a short walk down to the park so when we got there I took genesis out of the stroller and she ran over to the jungle gym.

I walked around with genesis so I could keep a close eye on her. She was smaller than most so she was definitely easier to lose and I didn't need that happening. She went down the slide a few times before she wanted to swing so that's what we were doing down. "Papa, Ej swing?" She asked after a few minutes. "No baby, he can't swing just yet, wait until he's a little bit older." I told her, checking our surroundings.

There weren't many people here but I kept noticing this guy who was watching us but he was like three benches away. It was scary but he didn't seem too suspicious so I was just gonna keep an eye on him for awhile. "Papa!" I heard genesis yell, breaking out of my thoughts. "Huh? I'm sorry, what did you say baby?" I asked her and she huffed. "I say, when Ej will be able to swing with me?" She asked and I sighed. "When he's your age baby." I told her.

For a three year old she asked so many questions but sometimes they're entertaining enough to answer. When she got tired of the swing she went to the sandbox and I was able to sit down at the bench closest to it and watch her. Elijah was waking up but he loved laying on my chest so he was content. I was smiling and waving at genesis when she would look at me so I barely noticed the extra presence beside me until she smiled and waved at them.

I looked confusedly at her and turned to see a very tall dark skin man sitting beside me. I jumped slightly and he laughed. It was definitely a deep laugh and I felt something I shouldn't have. "Um, hi?" I said, completely unsure. He looked at me and smiled and his teeth were so white and perfect. "Wassup." He mumbled.

I'm sure I looked so awkward so to distract myself from him I looked down at Elijah, fixing his hat. "Your kids?" He asked. His voice was so angelic and deep, I wasn't sure if I should be listening so hard. "Yeah. That's genesis over there, and this is Elijah." I said before I mentally cringed. Why would you tell him their names? You don't know his intentions.

𝗜'𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂Where stories live. Discover now