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TO SAY that the whole day went haywire would be a complete understatement.

For the past few hours, the feline hybrid has been clinging ineluctably onto your arm, much to your annoyance. He's been practically shoving his body against the side of yours when someone passes by near his figure like they were a walking contagious virus that needed to be strictly secluded. He eyed them like a lost puppy that was terrified of humans, acquiring a confused look from every unknowing person.

On top of that, your legs would occasionally totter a bit due to his exaggerated manner that caused you to elbow him in the ribs, receiving a dirty look from the said hybrid as you mutter him a "Can you calm down?"

However, you couldn't help but think how it was rather weird that he acted that way towards others, but not to you when you two first met. Maybe it was because of your calm and well-composed aura, despite you not-so being an approachable person.

Nevertheless, it was good that the feline had quickly developed this feeling of trust and certainty towards you, otherwise you would've had a pretty hard time.

Furtively, you drift your eyes at the hybrid feline beside you, letting it maunder over his side-view. His jawline was unquestionably sharper than your intellect, another feature of his that elegantly emphasized his adorable yet manly facade.

You know that one, extortionate and coveted painting in a museum that was purposefully to be kept far-flung for foreigners to stare at?

Well, Jimin definitely resembled that analogy.

Were you surprised?

Heck no.

Although, the only exception you could take was how some girls would throw a few ensnaring look towards him, unbeknownst to the poor and innocent hybrid. In return, you'd silently give them a sharp, narrowed look if they continued any further. Their only responses were to roll their eyes and continue on their own way.

But you couldn't blame them; the man was like the cynosure of all eyes, despite the overly-basic outfit he had worn with simple black joggers and an orange oversized t-shirt.

He undoubtedly appeared like a naturally gifted supermodel in it, and you wonder how he could pull such an unsophisticated attire and still manage to appear so eye-catching.

Unfortunately, your circumstances were poles apart; you could be accoutered by a well-known designer's choice of clothing and still look like commonplace in basic fashion.

While the day went, the two of you have been stopping at almost every corner of the mall you spot. You bought him clothes, shoes, and a few other necessities he might need. He politely insisted that you didn't need to buy him so much and even tried carrying the bags for you, but you being the usual couldn't-care-less person you are (the orange-haired feline is an exception), you blithely disregarded his entreaties.

It was already a nearby afternoon when you two had finally decided to go home. Both of your hands were clasped with a couple of fairly heavy shopping bags, all from different stores.

The sky was pleasantly painted in an azure, balmy hue. Birds infrequently humming in satisfaction, individuals passing by either to work, or to spend the day with their partners. The wind had a lukewarm feeling to the skin as it gently skimmed your frame, brushing your locks gracefully away from your face.

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