Part 4

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Another 2 hours passed when Fluttershy checked the cloak. "Oh gosh, Scootaloo, It's almost time for dinner" "I am feeling kinda hungry" I'll go make us something" She said standing up. "Ok I'll keep working on this if that's ok" "That's fine" the young mare went into the kitchen. The young filly continued to work on the puzzle. A half hour later Fluttershy come back "Dinner is almost done why don't you go wash up" "Ok" She answered getting up from the floor. She didn't dare argue.

After washing her hooves Scootaloo entered Fluttershy's kitchen. She took a seat opposite the older pony dinner was a simple hay stew. Fluttershy asked about school she asked how things were at the animal sanctuary. they talked while eating for a while "So what were you and Rainbow Dash going to do this weekend?" "Play games and stuff we planed such a fun Sistercation. Uh, Fluttershy, do you have any siblings?" She realized she didn't know even thing about her family. "A brother actually Zepher Breeze he lives up in Cloudsdale why do you ask"

"Uh, no reason" A question popped into the young pony's mind that would surprise them both. "So would you and your brother ever kiss?" Fluttershy was stunned, Scootaloo couldn't believe she asked that" "Uhm when he was little I did, I'm older than he is why do you ask?" "While it's just that when Rainbow left you know she you remember" "She kissed you" "Yeah, it's just shed never done that before" "Did you not like it?" "What no It's not that at all my aunts kiss me it's just that I don't know"

"I know it's normal, I see my friends sisters kissing them some times but I didn't expect it I didn't think she would do that she usually just ruffles my mane" "From What I know about Rainbow she hugs but not very often, I've only ever seen her kiss her parents for her to be affectionate like that to me it shows she really cares about you. She's an only child your like the sister she never had. She really thinks of you as your sister" "I feel the same way" "Now we should finish before our food gets cold" they ate in silence the rest of the meal"

After Dinner, they retunded to the living room "Want to continue with the puzzle?" "I guess so" She answered, not very enthused. "We don't have to if you don't want to" the young filly was quiet. "What is something you love to do with Rainbow, something you wish you could with her right now?" "While there is one thing if you're up for it" "I'm up for even thing name it" Fluttershy dared. Scootaloo got a big grin on her face"

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