Thirteen || Keith's POV

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Matt and I had just finished a silent dinner. I quietly walked to the couch, where Lance's jacket laid. I stared at the jacket, a tear running down my cheek.

I picked up the green jacket and slid it on over my shoulder, wiping away my tears. I plopped down on the couch, crossing my arms.

I sighed as I turned the television on. Lance's favorite show was playing. I couldn't bear to watch it. I turned the television off and stood up. I walked to my room ignoring Matt, who was standing in the kitchen doing dishes.

He glanced over as I slammed my door shut. I collapsed onto my bed, curling up in Lance's jacket. The world faded as I melted away into sleep.

beep beep beep

I slammed my hand down on my red alarm clock, Groaning as I rolled over into my mess of sheets. The clock read 8:07 am.

I propped myself up in my bed. I blinked firmly, then yawned. My eyes traced Lance's jacket. I exhaled through seethed teeth.

I turned on my phone to see 52 messages and 6 missed calls. What the hell? It's not like I was missing. I clicked on the most recent call.


"Oh my god Keith! Thank god you're okay!" It was Hunk. "What do you mean?" I sniffled, toying with the strings of the jacket.

"Pidge said something happened with you and Lance!" "Pidge and I are not on speaking terms" I spoke firmly and quickly. "Whoa happened?" Hunk was one of my most trustworthy friends.

"Lance was.." I paused with a shaky breath "Feeling.. Out of it.." "Keith.. What do you mean?"

"He was calling himself nothing and talking about how almost all of you guys were neglecting him.. I was completely oblivious."  "Oh buddy.." Hunk sighed. He knew just as much of our friends' torture towards Lance as I did.

"Pidge showed up while Lance was sleeping on my shoulder. She mentioned... my parents negatively, so Lance being Lance punched her in the heat of the moment."

"Where is Lance by the way? I haven't heard anything from him"

Tears began pouring down my face as I silently sobbed into the phone. I allowed the sound of my sobs to slip from my mouth, just before disconnecting the call.

After a moment or two I texted Hunk to come to my apartment. He told me he would be there in ten minutes.

I didn't even bother to get dressed. I walked out to the kitchen to make blueberry pancakes. Strangely enough, Matt was already in the kitchen with a large stack of them on a serving dish.

I couldn't even change my expression to show how confused I was. My red eyelids stung from crying as I stared into the luminous room. "Because you're feeling bad about.. And they're his favourite." Matt half smiled, furrowing his eyebrows.

Instead of grabbing myself a plate, I grabbed two plates. One for me and one for Hunk. "It's for Hunk" I spoke briefly, yet miserably. Matt slightly nodded then headed off to his room, occupied by his phone.

Hunk soon knocked on the red door.

"It's open" I yelled. Hunk walked in and slid his boots off, into the existing pile of shoes. He walked over to me. "Hey Keith how's it going?" he asked reassuringly, taking note that I was in emotional pain.

All I could do was sigh. I wasn't trying to be rude, words just wouldn't work. I nodded to my side, indicating for Hunk to sit down.

All that could be heard in the apartment was muffled music escaping Matt's walls. Hunk and I just sat there, our mouths full of pancakes.

After I swallowed my pancakes down my phone began buzzing in my pocket. I pulled the slim box out to see Allura's work phone number on my screen.

"I- I I have to take t- this" I stuttered pointing at my phone. I answered the call.


Keith. He's awake.

I'm coming.

I suddenly grabbed Hunk's arm and dragged him to the door, wiping away my tears. He threw his brown boots on as I slid into my tall red and white boots.

"Hunk, I am so sorry that I'm being all mysterious and pushy" I apologized as I hopped into Lance's blue tesla sitting outside. "It's alright Keith.. I understand, stuff is going on.. You're emotional" Hunk smiled calmly at me.

I sighed as I turned my key in the ignition. As the car neared the rose brick building we called the hospital, Hunk realized where Lance was.

Hunk placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, his eyebrows furrowed. I felt tears forming in the wells of my eyes. He was finally awake. Was he ok?

My eyes locked onto the blue and red heart hanging from the mirror.

"Alright" I breathed out heavily, and shakily. I turned my head to look at Hunk. "Thank you. Thank you for actually caring about Lance and I." Hunk smiled at me with his genuine smile.

"What are friends for?" I sighed and looked down at my hand that was still pressed on the gear shift. "You ready to go in?" Hunk questioned, my attention shifted up to him.

I nodded and pushed my car door open. As we stepped out of the glossy, ocean blue car I walked over to Hunk's side. I reached into the glove box and pulled out a vacuum sealed bag containing Lance's clothes.

I had an outfit prepared for Lance, a blue shark shirt which was double his shirt size and his favourite black leggings. I shut the car door and pressed my forehead against it.

"Okay.. Let's go" I sighed removing my pressure from the car door. Hunk and I walked towards the main entrance of the large building. I cleared my throat as I opened the door.

Hunk was silent as we walked up to the reception desk. "I'm here to see.. L-Lance McClain.." I stuttered sadly. The woman gave me a small sad smile as she spoke. "E416" I nodded and headed in that direction.

I stepped into the room and saw Lance sitting in a bed, holding the shark plushie. Tears began pouring down my face as I slowly walked over to him, my arms crossed. Lance glanced up, raising an eyebrow.

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