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"I'm sorry ¿?¿?¿ it has to come to this"clock spoke while putting a wire around my neck
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING-"I spoke while trying to get up
I cried, tears streaming through my face
I tried putting my hands below the wire, gasping for air, my face felt tired

Gelatin sits up shivering
"What was that? Who was standing in front of me? But it didn't feel like me? Was it actually me?"gelatin asked himself
"It sounded like donut..." gelatin spoke
"Wait donut-"
Gelatin heard a thud
Gelatin gets out of bed wearing his pajamas trying to get to donut room

"heyyy donut" gelatin tried to say calmly
"Are you okay" gelatin asked while opening the door knob
"You know I got scared-" gelatin said before stopping in his steps looking at the lifeless donut, barbwire around his neck, dried tears on his pale face, and his hands around his neck trying to defend himself, blood dripping from his mouth

"GELATIN?" Donut yelled
"AHH"!gelatin yelled sitting up
"Y-you are alive?" Gelatin asked trying to hide his tears
"Yeah everything is fine!"donut reassured

For the first time gelatin felt something that he never felt before...tenderness¿?

"Aww is my acting that convincing"gelatin smiled
"Y-YOU WERE ACTING-"donut yelled
"Hehe, I never knew someone like you scared about me sooo much"gelatin grinned
"YOU WERE CRYING"donut shrieked
"I can make myself cry on command"gelatin lied
"Well I'm going back to my room"donut said standing up
"Wait why did you come in here"gelatin asked
"I heard a scream and went to check it out"donut said
"Why didn't the others come"gelatin asked
"They were asleep, and the others were to tired"
"Oh, we'll be safe donut"gelatin smirked
"You too"donut smiled making gelatin turn red
Donut closes the door

"what was that dream"gelatin asked himself
While gelatin asked that, Golfball heard him

Gelatin hears a knock on his door
"Who is it"gelatin asked
"Golfball I wanna ask something" Golfball spoke
"Ughhh, come in" gelatin rolled his eyes
"You had the dream too?" Golfball spoke while opening the door
"H-how did you"gelatin spoke before Golfball cut him off
"You talk awfully loud" Golfball spoke closing the door
"Oh-" gelatin was a bit embarrassed
"So what was it about"Golfball asked leaning against the door
"I was being murdered... well not me I was in someone else's body I think and it was their perspective"gelatin spoke
"Hm, I either had a dream or a flashback"Golfball spoke
"Huh, wait you remember when happened before this?"gelatin looks at Golfball
"Not exactly I had a good two minutes in my room and talking to tb- I mean tennisball"Golfball spoke
"Wait, so you maybe know some people here"gelatin said
"I guess, I doubt it will happen again"Golfball spoke
"By the way, who do you suspect"gelatin asked
"Huh?" Golfball responded
"As murderer, to be honest barfbag is really suspicious"gelatin spoke
"Hm, not really I had my eye out for donut, taco and blackhole"Golfball spoke
"Well one more question" gelatin spoke
"Do you know Tennisball" gelatin asked
"Maybe?? It's hard to explain"Golfball spoke
"Well I better leave"Golfball spoke before opening the door and leaving
Gelatin is by himself again

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